beginner guitarists gathering

so these r e modes rite....

C D E F G A B C -- Ionian – MODE 1
D E F G A B C D -- Dorian – MODE 2
E F G A B C D E -- Phrygian – MODE 3
F G A B C D E F – Lydian - MODE 4
G A B C D E F G -- Mixolydian – MODE 5
A B C D E F G A -- Aeolian – MODE 6
B C D E F G A B -- Locrian – MODE 7

but the only diff is tat each mode starts on a different note, so why must i memorize all of em?????
(their sequence/arrangement r e same >> ABCDEFGA)

those are the modes that are base on the cmaj scale, but so basically you've listed down
c ionian
d dorian
e phrygian
f lydian
and the rest..
and you get what i meant on the part bout the different roots...
so yea but learning how to use the modes is a totally different thing again..
personally i'll just stick to ionian and aeolian/major minor.. im not very good with the whole modes thing either so yea i just try to keep it as simple as possible till im confident enough to move on again :/
but to learn modes try to know your sharps in your major scale it's a huge bonus
those are the modes that are base on the cmaj scale, but so basically you've listed down
c ionian
d dorian
e phrygian
f lydian
and the rest..
and you get what i meant on the part bout the different roots...
so yea but learning how to use the modes is a totally different thing again..
personally i'll just stick to ionian and aeolian/major minor.. im not very good with the whole modes thing either so yea i just try to keep it as simple as possible till im confident enough to move on again :/
but to learn modes try to know your sharps in your major scale it's a huge bonus

to learn modes try to know your sharps in your major scale it's a huge bonus??
how so? can give eg?
be it shifting the roots base on the maj or using what ever formulas u have dont you think that knowing the sharps in the whatever maj scale would be useful? unless your telling me you wna learn the diff modes just base of the box pattern, wouldnt that be rather limited?
yes but the scale is the scale mode is the mode, scales have a series of sharps and flats and modes have a series of sharps and flats, so u have to memorise individually the diff scales have what sharps and what flats and diff modes have what shap and what flat. so u have to memorise many many key signatures
dude you dont get what i mean, why for me i think it's better to learn it this way firstly is that it'd help in many other ways to etc etc, but regarding modes or which ever other scale wouldnt it be better that way if u use it with a formula and mod it into which ever mode you want? and maybe i left this out but i clearly do not mean memorize blindly more of making use of the circle of fifth. well clearly you have you own preferred ways but this is how i would do it if i have the time to :)

woots lucky post count -777- <---lol
yes circle of 5th for sharps applies to all modes. but do you want to waste time counting 5 and 5 and 5 etc lol
i dont count rofl i just memorize the order fcgdaeb so on into the fourths, but i believe if using it long enough it comes to you automatically.. so yea.. just lots of blood and sweat
fcgdaeb is for the order of sharps and reverse it is for flats what, does it tell you like B major how many sharps?
to be honest i kinda dislike the whole enharmonics thing and i pretty much get confuse over that sometimes.. but yea like i said haha i cant process it very fast in my head yet.. and im not very good with the circle of fourths too haha
but yes of course it tells u how many sharps there are in the b maj..
to be honest i kinda dislike the whole enharmonics thing and i pretty much get confuse over that sometimes.. but yea like i said haha i cant process it very fast in my head yet.. and im not very good with the circle of fourths too haha
but yes of course it tells u how many sharps there are in the b maj..

how does it tell how many sharps?
is it
f c g d a e b
so for G major u count 2 backwards so u get f sharp
then for d major u count 2 backwards plus anything b4 it so u get f and c sharp
then A major u count 2 backwards plus anything b4 it so u get f c g shapr
then E major you count 2 backwards plus anything b4 it so u get f c g d sharp
then B major u count 2 backwards plus anything b4 it so u get f c g d a sharp

then for flat

f major so u count 1 backwards so u get B flat
Bb major u count 1 backwards plus the note itself so u get Bb and Eb
Eb major u count 1 backwards plus the note itself plus anything in front of it so u get Bb Eb Ab
then Ab major you count 1 backwards plus the note itself plus anything in front of it so u get Bb Eb Ab Db

something like that?
haha yea!! for sharps is move 2 steps to the left and take all on the left while flat is move 1 to the left and take all on the right.. if u use it long enough it should prolly just come naturally.. but apparently im not putting this method to the fullest use.. haha so yea doesnt come naturally for me
hmmm... i'll be very no link, but just wanna thank those who came on 4th aug
especially itachi n likui for teaching all of us.
learnt ALOT of stuff like diff cable = diff sound , n anchoring n stuff

learnt from likui how to form 7 and 9 chords (eg.c7 c9)
and many many other chords as well. some theory stuff too!
and he explained many different forms of anchoring and angles of picking.

learnt from itachi alot of principles by watching him play. (u inspired me and thought me many things!!)
i learnt that the number one thing as a guitarist is to be humble. his humbleness made him look even more pro than what he already was.
and i learnt alot about the picking hand by watching him play.

oh and thanks jweih for teaching me how to palm mute the CORRECT way LOL!

and i just bought a new guitar today guys!!!
so happy!!!
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woo finally got ur rg already.. hey so u joining us on the 11 or 14 anyway you got msn? haha pm me :) we discussing the details with jw neo and joel over there
hmm not sure lei have to see my amt of work first. i'll upate if i can go or not when the date is nearer.
yeap have. [my user id]