beginner guitarists gathering

Thkz for e advice (i guess) maybe i ll go readup more about it.

(Btw imkeith do u still hav e instruction manual for ur AD30VT amp????)
i thought i told u i lost it, haha apparently no i dont but you can try to download it online they should be copies around
lol that's not the point besides wouldnt you agree that that would just cause more confusion :/

haha dood. thats just the way matt teaches. try reading up on the 7 modes. once u memorise both the aeolian mode and the ionian mode, his explanations will become clearer. though i must admit sometimes he explains abit fast and i gotta get him to slow down in order to absorb. or maybe i'm just slow, whatever haha!! :p
haha dood. thats just the way matt teaches. try reading up on the 7 modes. once u memorise both the aeolian mode and the ionian mode, his explanations will become clearer. though i must admit sometimes he explains abit fast and i gotta get him to slow down in order to absorb. or maybe i'm just slow, whatever haha!! :p

lol why do you have the memorize that you just gotta know which is the natural minor for aeolian.. well other thn those 2 modes i dont know others alr rofl.. but yea i do get how modes works but matt's chordology is too cheem alr lol
lol why do you have the memorize that you just gotta know which is the natural minor for aeolian.. well other thn those 2 modes i dont know others alr rofl.. but yea i do get how modes works but matt's chordology is too cheem alr lol

errr dood u do realise that the aeolian is the natural minor mode right??

anyway, why those 2 is cos if matt suddenly comes up with a major something add something minus something sharp something flat something etc least u can use the ionian (natural major) to sort out. and vice versa for the minor with the aeolian. at least thats what i used to do when he starts teaching me how to get chords down.
yea of course i do lol.. hmm but i've always base reference on the maj scale it's less messy as compared to if i were to use the min, besides even knowing the formula/ how to come out with those exquisite chords is one thing, being familiar enough with the fretboard to make it out is another thing lol
lol why do you have the memorize that you just gotta know which is the natural minor for aeolian.. well other thn those 2 modes i dont know others alr rofl.. but yea i do get how modes works but matt's chordology is too cheem alr lol

ya lor I told u I only know how to play chord, but that day we didn't really talk a lot about modes what, just a lot of chord inversions those like C/E, C/G etc etc. but yes modes and chords can go together something called modal interchange, next time can share with you all more about that.
familiarising oneself with the fretboard...which means knowing where all the notes are right? i hate that...i use scales to memorise them hahahaha!! XD
so these r e modes rite....

C D E F G A B C -- Ionian – MODE 1
D E F G A B C D -- Dorian – MODE 2
E F G A B C D E -- Phrygian – MODE 3
F G A B C D E F – Lydian - MODE 4
G A B C D E F G -- Mixolydian – MODE 5
A B C D E F G A -- Aeolian – MODE 6
B C D E F G A B -- Locrian – MODE 7

but the only diff is tat each mode starts on a different note, so why must i memorize all of em?????
(their sequence/arrangement r e same >> ABCDEFGA)