Baybeats: Can we mosh or not?

im not a fan of those moshing

so i just stay away.

but my friend pulled me in :twisted:

for 2 secs i had to push my way to the side . phew
moshing: debatable

bodysurfing, with the right people watching out for you, and vice versa: orgasmic
I don't know. I think moshers should know when to pause for a while, help those who fell down up, then carry on. I was behind the pit yesterday, at the barricade there and I see many people falling down. Only so few tried to use themselves as a barricade against those having too much fun to stop and help those on the ground get up without stomping on their faces.
Makes me wonder how mosh pits are like in other countries.

I remember Rampage The Durian. The first day I think. My friend went into the moshpit for WGB's set. 5 Minutes after we left, she started to miss the pit. She said because everyone was so helpful and courteous. When someone falls, others around would help you up. I couldn't go in the pit that day cause I was very sick.
james sir..

LOL! we oredi invented smth...kiasu-ism..but it juz doesnt quite apply in the music scene...juz simply in our everyday life.. :lol:
yo james! if i'm not wrong...moshing all originated from early hardcore punk that emerged in the 1980s. Specifically 1980-1984. So bands like Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat that sort of deal. Although, people who know their moshing terms, will probably tell you that, that it's very diffrent from what it is now (they call that form of moshing skanking now), it basically created an aggressive way to dance to music.

but you guys have lumped everything thats aggressive into a single monolithic term called moshing. there's skanking, circle pit, kung fu, anyhow push-push, wall of death, crowdsurfing, stage diving, the worm (looks kinda lame, not the one that scotty 2 hotty wrestler guy does tho) and pogo (also looks lame, blame the sex pistols) etc etc....

i remember watching a doc on mtv, tales from the moshpit or something. Anyway, i just bullshitted this whole thing, so dont believe all of it.
I think next time baybeats will have wall of death... Yellowcard style :lol:

Though it would be nice to finally see a big scale wall of death, I don't think baybeats has the right type of music. So :cry:
yeah im in ur idea.. just need a instructor to instruct the hundreds of people and lots and lots of ice skating shoes.. and a big chunk of ice imported by???
wow.. just looking at the video has already stung my nostrils... those people who mosh must've had their body sweat all around that area...

eeewwww stinky2... damn.. i pity those who got pushed by them... next time must be clever enough like the guy who took the video... away from it all but still enjoying :D

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