Bassplayers Dont know music theory

all these laffing makes me wanna laff too...HAHAHAHA... :lol:
i personally dun agree to that, but then again im never into bass...

so why not u all bassists say something?...and stop laffing... :lol:
dunno ,

working on some originals with my band now , i find a lack of theory destroys your ability to write good music.

it is so difficult to understand the underlying structure and intricacies within a song if you cant understand theory.
what rubbish!! i know all the scales tht can be applied in bass ! with these scales it defintely help when i am playing jazz or creating a groove? i think these theory are easy and bassist shd take a read up if not what seperates us frm normal people who just play jus to be "in" a band?
Knowing the theory and the scales certainly helps a lot if you want to do an extended bass run in any song but if you got no groove or feel then it will be useless too .
i feel there's much theory in playing the bass, knowing it is good. if dont know also nevermind, just listen more and practise more.

for more colorful bassline, listen to smooth jazz stuff. coz the bass is quite 'clear' and lots of 'easy' to pick up lines. (realaudio 128k) (windowsmedia 32k)

if you listen to these stuff diligently for 1 year, you will pick up the theory behind chord structures and rhythm.
BeCool said:
what rubbish!! i know all the scales tht can be applied in bass ! with these scales it defintely help when i am playing jazz or creating a groove? i think these theory are easy and bassist shd take a read up if not what seperates us frm normal people who just play jus to be "in" a band?

oh sure .

please be constructive instead of just condemning other posts to "rubbish"

if theory were simple as you said.

at count 6/8 , beat 178, a bassist playing a C note on the C major scale will harmonise with which note that the guitarist is playing ? then if the bassist is playing at this tempo , must the drummer's beat be to be in sync with the bass and guitar ? would the harmony between bass and guitar clash with the note the rythmn guitarist is playing ?

theory isnt really that simple.

u still got overlapping bass lines , melody lines . treble lines , theory reading , sight reading , understanding whats the difference between a forte , mezzoforte , crescendo decrescendo , pianesemitto . how volumes vary to create certain effects.

etc etc.

a whole lot more to learn about theory.. than just that. READING and knowing your notes isnt just theory at all. its a basic aspect that all musicians should learn in the process of understanding how the music works. dont lump it into something so simple as that. give music more credit for complexity and the intricate delicate manner in which the song writer / composer intended.

playing music is one thing. playing music with an intrepretation and a understanding of music is another
BeCool said:
what rubbish!! i know all the scales tht can be applied in bass ! with these scales it defintely help when i am playing jazz or creating a groove? i think these theory are easy and bassist shd take a read up if not what seperates us frm normal people who just play jus to be "in" a band?

wow...... BeCool, u noe ALL the scales tat can be applied in bass?........ 8O

can ask u sumthing which i dun understand til now?......... :D

wat's the different between chinese scales n japaness scales?....... :roll:

it's has been bothering mi......... :wink:

or any1 can help?....... :cry:

This thread is (to put it nicely) unnecessary. What in the world do you put up a thread with such a title and yet not speak your views (if you have any, that is :roll: ) and not expect to offend anyone?

I can just start a thread that says 'Guy vocalists are gay' or 'Softies can't think beyond putting up useless threads'.

You think people who don't know me will want to jam with me?

Don't offend people or generalize people without grounds. I know it's some stupid joke but it's at some people's expense. And I salute the people who tried to defend their title - from the ones who think it's fun to tarnish it.
as a musician, music theory is essential whenever you want to commucicate with other musicians about the piece u compose,

as a bassist, i am beginning to love theory, if not advanced, maybe juzt the basics, ur scales, intervals, etc.

dun ask me a lot on theory though, i'm beginning to learn, haha!