I've made a conscious decision not to engage in any of the marketing and advertising bulls**t that drives the string industry. No matter what I say about the strings, it don't mean squat until you try a set on your instrument. String advertising is all hype and crap. It doesn't matter what "artists" I have using the strings. It doesn't matter what the core size is or what the wrap layers are. It doesn't matter if the strings are compression wound, wound under liquid nitrogen, wound under the influence of reefer, wound by a one handed blind man or wound by a computer.
I just felt that my Black Label strings could not be all things to all people, so I set on a 12 month quest to develop a second string that might appeal to some players who may not prefer the Black Labels. I have been giving sample sets for the last 6 months to players I respect and the response to the Blue Label Strings have been so good, I am ready to release them. Some of my beta testers have said they prefer the Blue Labels on one bass and prefer the Black Labels on another bass.