bass player leadin instead of guitars?

yea! he's awesome, cuz i'm gettin kinda sick of havin my bass covered up by guitars, havin to play wad guitarists wanna play, wanna rebuild, me n my drummer n probably keyboardist will ditch the 2 guitarists, n rebuild..wanna make the new lineup sound more jazz wif a bit of rock n pop..
yep, juz gotta do it, even tho bass is used to keep the rhythm it wasnt always meant juz 4 keeping rhythm, watchin sheehan shred on a bass was an inspiration, was at soundmix over the weekend, while waitin 4 my turn, a band was playin inside, bass drums keys n vox..

it was superb! dun hav dat loud distorted guitar sound, felt very smooth n soothing to ears. to other SOFT bassists? hav u guys solo-ed on ur bass yet while jamming, if u haven, the TIME is now! :twisted: lol

i dun wanna keep playing rhythm all my life...even tho datz how some guitarists think of bassists.
5stringedsoul said:
i dun wanna keep playing rhythm all my life...even tho datz how some guitarists think of bassists.

sigh. i tell my bassist to improvise more one leh... haha.
as a guitarist...i'm not gonna flame you for being anti-guitar or wad, but its true, the bass is always in the background, and the backbone of the band, it rarely has a solo, and even when it does, the damn listeners don't really care, eg. RATM - bulls on parade, but i do support the idea of bass doing lead, juz not ALL the time
try jrock band from Lar'c~en~Ciel
their basslines is great, very very very audible
nothign technicality tho' its about agility
Tetsu ...
i dun agree with u.listeners do listen to bass solo..i personally does..and i enjoy listening to it :) i would like my bassist to do solo too :D

go ahead with the idea man..its great! :twisted:
jeremyrozario said:
as a guitarist...i'm not gonna flame you for being anti-guitar or wad,

i wont say play lead all the time, juz dat my bass will b played louder than the guitar n the guitar won't play the typical lead sound, ii dun reallie wan a guitar driven band, more like, the rhythm section to come to life. maybe in a months time when all's settled, i'll post a recording yea?

i'm not really anti-guitar, i love the guitar, lovely instrument, i dun like dat heavy distorted sound used by guitarists who crank up the amp during jams. even when itz loud, some of em even said they cant hear themselves 8O
my friend who dont know nuts bout music says that bassist is useless member in the band coz hardly heard. actually in a band if tehre no bassist .. the music playes sounds very "KOSONG" leh.. who agrree?
I agree. The songs would feel empty. Me being the bassist of my band feels it a lot. Each time when we're jamming and I stop for some reason, the song would feel weird and loss. It feels good to fill up the empty spaces and make the song feel full. That's just my opinion. Disagree if you want.
5stringedsoul said:
yea! he's awesome, cuz i'm gettin kinda sick of havin my bass covered up by guitars,..

aiyah a band needs to compromise one lah, dicuss and try to do the things everyone like. BASS confirm can Solo, anybody in the band also can solo one lah, theres not problem if you can put it off well.

If they wont budge and wana act like they are some guitar viturso like vai and satch, from start to finish wana play lead. yeah BOOT THEM !!!!
If not try just try to work it out with them lor, songs no need to play exactly the way it sounds on CD one lah, thats why its called improvise haha
If the bassist and drummer can sync together then you have a very tight band , no need a rhythm guitar any more. The bass can actually do more fill in and be more rounded and if the lead guitar is gracious enough to share, trade licks or let you have a spot of solo then it will be wonderful :)

I think most bassist is concentrating very hard to keep the rhythm and time together in a group as he has to be in sync with the drums. Most lead guitarist is always fighting with their volume becuase it is always the loudest .

It would be great to hear more bassist do solo during a song :)

hiya i'm a bassist too.. well what i can say is that although the bass together with the drums form the backbone of the band's rhythm section... one of the best ways for the bassist to improve upon the song is to create a tight groove together with the drummer, and this might not necessarily have to be in the form of solos.. just by locking in with your drummer, and shuffling between several grooves, adding some licks in between here and there, can enhance the band's sound tremendously.

for an idea of what i mean, you can try listening to victor wooten..