bass player leadin instead of guitars?

strats said:
alot of people think bass is easy to play,until they try it themselves(i myself was one of these people). .

I took up the bass because I thought thicker strings = harder. :lol:
Up to now, I think I still suck major ass. :oops:
antedeluvian said:
Woah ... self praising ... your band really that good meh? sounds too much of mxpx for me ... good quality recording though . but always remember not to get big headed . self praising is DEFINITELY not good . wat if ppl label your band as a cocky band or self centered ... just my 2 cents worth of thoughts

Please la, he only said he loves their bassist for what he is, and that they together get a huge, fat agressive sound. Whats wrong with that? You siao ah?
wangdexian said:
strats said:
agreed. bass is probably the most underrated instrument instrument. alot of people think bass is easy to play,until they try it themselves(i myself was one of these people). whithout bass theres just no 'kick' in the music. sounds empty. anyone who thinks bass is easy should listen to victor wooten.

I took up the bass because I thought thicker strings = harder. :lol:
Up to now, I think I still suck major ass. :oops:

Yo man, I'd prefer to heist Rottenramone myself and get all his stingrays :D
That aside, Wooten is just crazy. He can play like 2093018283912 notes per song.

Yo man, I'd prefer to heist Rottenramone myself and get all his stingrays
That aside, Wooten is just crazy. He can play like 2093018283912 notes per song.

wah lau eh... better protect it from u man!! hahhah!! :lol: anyways if you wanna give it a spin u know where to look...

actually i prefer jaco over wooten. wooten may be a technical whiz on the bass, but its jaco who gets his soul expressed through his instrument. skill is only a means to an end.

as long as any instrument expresses fully one's thoughts and feelings its ok to be bass as a lead, if it suits the music of course. [/quote]
antedeluvian said:
Woah ... self praising ... your band really that good meh? sounds too much of mxpx for me ... good quality recording though . but always remember not to get big headed . self praising is DEFINITELY not good . wat if ppl label your band as a cocky band or self centered ... just my 2 cents worth of thoughts

how presumptuous. i'm not saying my band is good. :evil: that's for other people to decide. there's definitely lots of room for improvement and we're always trying to do better. we work hella hard to do our best. i'm just saying i love the way my bassist plays because he's a really good metal guitarist and he brings his style of playing into the way he plays bass, so on some songs he plays a really active bassline. it's not passive or in the background. it's active and aggressive, perhaps more so than the guitars even.
haha.. speaking of new basses.. i'm thinking of getting a new one.. i have 1k to blow was pretty much thinking of getting the warwick vampyra..looks mean :twisted:
hey your band rocks man ... Very nice songs. i think you guys are killer man ...
not technically , but musically.
5stringedsoul said:
jeremyrozario said:
as a guitarist...i'm not gonna flame you for being anti-guitar or wad,

i wont say play lead all the time, juz dat my bass will b played louder than the guitar n the guitar won't play the typical lead sound, ii dun reallie wan a guitar driven band, more like, the rhythm section to come to life. maybe in a months time when all's settled, i'll post a recording yea?

i'm not really anti-guitar, i love the guitar, lovely instrument, i dun like dat heavy distorted sound used by guitarists who crank up the amp during jams. even when itz loud, some of em even said they cant hear themselves 8O
bro its not just you, but many a time, the bassist insists he be loud when he is not supposed to be, that makes a very bad sounding song. So should be case by case basis, sometimes the song style is such that the bass takes the lead, sometimes its the guitars. We all got to be less egoistic and just make things work the best way for the band. Normally, overly loud guitars in jamming sessions are caused by the greener guitarists(or very egoistic ones), if not they will surely not just aim to be the loudest, but aim to sound the BEST they can for that song. Yup, loud don't=good.
Hope you can solve your frustrations! :)
Bassists leading eh? Listen to "Death From Above 1979". They only got a bassist and and a drummer who's also the lead singer and they still sound good. "Romantic Rights" is pretty good stuff. Gotta admit singing while playing drums takes some practice though. More chances of screwing up.
bass is the structure of the music am i right? i mean without a bass, it sounds like, empty.

btw who is sheehan?
Frozen said:
Bassists leading eh? Listen to "Death From Above 1979". They only got a bassist and and a drummer who's also the lead singer and they still sound good. "Romantic Rights" is pretty good stuff. Gotta admit singing while playing drums takes some practice though. More chances of screwing up.

thnks 4 the info, they rock, but the bass has lotsa effects, which is cool!, maybe the guitarists wont go, but i'll start the bass leadin thing as a side project.
check out primus

anyway i do bass for my band and i use my bass as the main instrument for most of our songs, but what i do is i run it thru multieffects, be it distortion, phaser or whatever, just so every song doesnt sound the same

and we dont have a guitarist, so i use fruityloops and tweak the guitar sound to make it sound as real as possible and use that as a its totally opposite from other bands :D
wah lau primus.. check out their master of puppets cover... les claypool is one hell of a slapper..

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