Bass Goes To Campus 2008 Workshop


New member
Hi there,
I will be having my very own "Bass Goes To Campus" kick off on September 6th at 1930hrs Saturday. It will be mainly for beginners who have problems regarding creating bass lines. Thats the FAQs that i always got from my students.
Check it on facebook, which bears the name, and if any of you are from a tertiary institution and are interested to have this workshop in your campus, please come forward!
Created by bassinc a.k.a Mohamed Nor (check him at With his band, H.I.P. (History-making In Progress; because we are making history everyday!) will be having a campus tour. This workshop cum gig is to create awareness in bass playing. Everybody in the campus are welcome! Bass players or non- bass players, drummers, guitar players...everybody! We offer our service to the younger bass playing community. Individual lessons are also available upon requests.

"Bass Goes To Campus" is a pilot project of mine in music education. Its a gig cum workshop where we will share our knowledge in just about everything in music. Not that I'm a very qualified person but somebody just got to do it. So since I'm the founder, I have the liberty to invite any instrument player; be it bass, guitar, drums, keyboards or even traditional ethnic instruments.

So if you are keen to have us in your campus, PLEASE drop a line!
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I would like to thank those for turning up to my very first 'Bass Goes To Campus' workshop last Saturday. Here's the first comment that I've received in my email from one of them who attended.

Hi Nor!! Thanks so much for the FREE lesson that day! Haha..
Singaporeans only like free stuff is that so? Anyway, I regret to inform
you I have no facebook thing, so I can't log on.. I'd like to give some
comments over this email! And also some questions =)

First of all, let me thank all of you for coming down to make the
workshop a smashing succeess. When you guys spoke of the music camp and
how you yourselves were so 'wow-ed' by it, I felt inspired myself, and
even honoured to have all of you down with us that day. The workshop was
very informative for me as a pianist, because I already know about basic
chords and stuff. I'm not sure though if you managed to reach out to the
other people though, but I think the pace and format that you conducted
your workshop was informal and good.

I didn't expect to be copying down some notes, but actually if guys do
go around giving introductory workshops, it'd be good if you could print
a small 1-page summary of what you said.. Those chords are useful even
for improvisation for a piano. =)

I'd like to enquire more about where and when your lessons are held (and
how much too..) as I'm pretty interested in learning the bass. I do not,
however, own a bass or amp yet.. I may not be able to commit to weekly
lessons as yet for this semester, but if you don't mind, I'd still like
to know! =)

Thanks very much for your time and you can put these comments on your
facebook if you want.. I'm not stopping you and I won't know if you do
also.. Hahahaha..

Warm Regards,
Jonathan Gan
School of Accountancy, SMU

Thanks Jonathan, for the kind words. Check out the photos at either or facebook bearing the name 'Bass Goes To Campus'
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Hi, thanks for the kind words, revoltagedesign. The next one will be either at these campus; La Salle or Nus. For the workshop, you can be bring your own bass because i want it to be an interactive one - a two way workshop! So NUS is giving me 2 dates, next month (October) or next year January. Can't decide because if i were to have it next month, the turnout might be poor because lack of publicity. I mean only 1 month for publicity is quite short! Still waiting for a call or email from La Salle.

Meanwhile, check out for the photos!
I missed out on this. Hope i can be there for the next workshop.

Errr...I can still join the workshop right? Even though i'm not a student of either campus.
Usually, the school will give me how many invites that i can get. Since its for the students for the respective campus, priority will be given to them. But don't worry, i will work it out somehow...
Bass Goes To Campus comes Four Tones Studio

Hi All,
Can i have a show of hands whether if there's enough attendees interested for the above workshop? This workshop will be an interactive one where you are encouraged to bring your bass. Registrations can be made online thru or at Four Tones. The fee will be announced soon.
This workshop is for all levels. But you have to tell me how proficient you are in bass playing. The course outline will be mainly on creating bass lines as I always get that question frequently. Based on ' Play with your ears; rather than your eyes', you will have an in-depth lessons which I believe, will benefits your bass playing. Thank you for your time and patience.

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