Bass Amp


New member
Im currently wanting to get a bass amp after I cant stand my guitar amp. lol.
Im thinking of hartke A100 (new) or line6 LD300 pro (used).
My budget of about $400-$500.
Any suggestions from users or those who have tried them? :)
Would appreciate any suggestions.
the line6 would probably be digital. digital and analogue amp would sound and operate very differently. if the decision is that close, then w regards to ur options just decide if u want brand new or 2nd hand lor
I've got a A100 I've been thinking of down-sizing from, but never bothered enough to put in the classifieds. If you're interested, it's available. Toss me a PM ;)
I Vote Hartke... I have never been impressed with a line 6 amp before. and I prefer the hartke limiter the amp comes with as well compared to the opto comp from line 6.