Band politics

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It might not be a bad thing afterall. We have world politics,office politics,products and management policies. How many of us have been thru bands and ever encounter politics in bands too? let's share our experiences.
My worst experience so far, Lead Guitarist that refuses to have band democracy, and wants to dictate everything; going so far as to jamming studio location, timing, and song selection.

If he wants us to be his backing band, then he gotta pay right :lol:
Wa your lead guitarist's attitude sucks lah.. The band should talk to him about it to him and not give in i think.
One against all or all against one is not so bad. Then the targeted one is confirm at fault. What i experienced was the band spilt up into 2 groups or 3 groups and then politics, "you come late before also what" "why you both never practise this song at all? i thought we agree to perfect this song by this sessions?" or " my gf is waiting for me, got to rush" stuffs like that.
tany said:
democrats forever!

u cnt let loose a band too..
they'll start going on with their lives and finally lose their passion for music...and when u call them up for jams...they wouldn't want it..super sucky feeling...thats what happened to me in the past..

too much freedom is suicide..

but dun be too rigid too...later cnt work together..

it all boils down to band spirit...that cemaraderie or what ever it is...a sort of mutual understanding of one helps...but its hard to gain...
u need effective leadership in a band, but not dictactor ship. wads make an efficient "government".. LOL.. too mcuh ss liaoz.. ss exam just overrr :lol:
ok but seriously, there has to be one or two people that can make the band go in the same direction and lead the whole band. someone must be the jamming planner and booker also.. if not later instead of weekly jam become annual jam liaoz.
teraslasch said:
u need effective leadership in a band, but not dictactor ship. wads make an efficient "government".. LOL.. too mcuh ss liaoz.. ss exam just overrr :lol:
ok but seriously, there has to be one or two people that can make the band go in the same direction and lead the whole band. someone must be the jamming planner and booker also.. if not later instead of weekly jam become annual jam liaoz.

true true..
cnt agree with u more..
ask mr Lee kwuan Yew lead your band.


anyways, a good idea would be to sometimes as a leader of the band, to throw aside your ego and pride and just listen to what the rest have to say, example song selection or volume levels.
also try not to piss each other off, even if you do say sorry after the session and just forget about the matter and of course do not repeat it anymore.
also, not only organise jamming sessions but also other things like weekly chillouts or hell even pinics! and thats how they bond.
its particularly important when band members dont know each other well.
If there is no chemistry off the stage there would certainly be no chemistry on the stage. ok lets not go into science class.
haha..i don dare ask our dear LKY lead the band leh.. wad happen if he decided to merge with a communal politics band?? then after that if we split then we make him cry.. "Separation from malaysia is wrong for Singapore" .. ya lor.. then later separation become wrong liao, make ur leader cry.. :lol: !! who do merger for SSSSSSSSssssssss
oh gosh lol rylche that sounds bad.

which band are u from anyway?
ahhhh i see rylche
well thats really interesting.
great insight.

btw u know how it feels like when you're a friend seems really nice to you and behind you says this type of stuff?

i had my band problems too. yes for our first gig i chose the songs. but for the studio and timings? i asked every single member which was best for them, then comes the decision. for the gigs after that, each member picks one song since u wanted 'democracy'

imagine if i started posting stuff bout you on soft. then maybe u wouldnt seem like the knowledgeable, mature, bass-know-it-all, "+1 TO MR. MIKEMANN/SAITO/FGL! let me lick your boots!", person anymore eh?

its funny how u used to put the band in a convo, talk bout band direction, talk about what makes good music, talk about how we are guna get big and famous. and now you're stuck bandless, playing solo bass and dota behind your com.
LKY lead bands? a hell lot of taxing is broken string while jamming...u'll be fined!!! :cry:
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