ahhhh i see rylche
well thats really interesting.
great insight.
btw u know how it feels like when you're a friend seems really nice to you and behind you says this type of stuff?
i had my band problems too. yes for our first gig i chose the songs. but for the studio and timings? i asked every single member which was best for them, then comes the decision. for the gigs after that, each member picks one song since u wanted 'democracy'
imagine if i started posting stuff bout you on soft. then maybe u wouldnt seem like the knowledgeable, mature, bass-know-it-all, "+1 TO MR. MIKEMANN/SAITO/FGL! let me lick your boots!", person anymore eh?
its funny how u used to put the band in a convo, talk bout band direction, talk about what makes good music, talk about how we are guna get big and famous. and now you're stuck bandless, playing solo bass and dota behind your com.