Band politics

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politics within band or politics between bands?

one band usually have 4 to 5 ppl how to have "politics"?

if u're talking about between bands... hmmm can get quite interesting... from what i observe, most well known bands in sg are quite deplomatic with each other...

haven't heard of rival bands doing weird things to each other though...
Eh relax ah, dont fight.. Whats most important in a band to me, is your bandmates chemistry lah. Settle your problems peacefully. Peace!
crappycrappy said:
ahhhh i see rylche
well thats really interesting.
great insight.

btw u know how it feels like when you're a friend seems really nice to you and behind you says this type of stuff?

i had my band problems too. yes for our first gig i chose the songs. but for the studio and timings? i asked every single member which was best for them, then comes the decision. for the gigs after that, each member picks one song since u wanted 'democracy'

imagine if i started posting stuff bout you on soft. then maybe u wouldnt seem like the knowledgeable, mature, bass-know-it-all, "+1 TO MR. MIKEMANN/SAITO/FGL! let me lick your boots!", person anymore eh?

its funny how u used to put the band in a convo, talk bout band direction, talk about what makes good music, talk about how we are guna get big and famous. and now you're stuck bandless, playing solo bass and dota behind your com.

I'm certain rylche was being sensitive to whoever he mentioned, because firstly he never mentioned names. I don't know his "lead guitarist", neither would (more than) half of SOFT, most likely no?

Then, rylche wasn't being sarcastic in the insulting manner like you have posted.

Finally, lets not assume his lead guitarist (former no?) doesn't know what rylche feels towards him.

Btw, I just had a jam with rylche a few weeks back. I can't remember his name but I can remember a bassist doing his job. Sometimes when ends don't meet, things blow up bigger than they really are huh.
kennykenny said:
oh gosh lol rylche that sounds bad.

which band are u from anyway?

You signed up on SOFT, yesterday, to post in this particular thread ONLY huh.

Welcome to SOFT. :D
Hmmm... here's an interesting POV I have... or rather, I have experienced.

I think its crucial for a band to understand 2 things:

a) A band has to have a shared vision, or at the very least, a common appreciation of each member's music styles/preferences.

b) How instruments work and their roles

I have been in a band where, a member thinks distortion is noisy. Guitar distortion. No, not from a DS1 or some peavy practice amp, but from big amps with good stuff running into them. Distortion is noisy and "un-musical". Try to beat that! I was stumped I tell you! :D
I have also been in a band where, a member doesn't like rock at all. Or rather, he is extremely selective of the rock he listens to... which is really not much. He's into somehting else, like jazz, and he can't stand rock/metal... and I'm a ... well, yes, typical rock/metal guitarist. :P
Oh yes, I tried to play clean more often, play jazz... but its not my direction, my vision... so I could only accomondate to that little extent, like how the others did the same for me lah.
Shared vision? Think not. Appreciation? I think not. Did we manage to function like a band band? No it was work more than anything.

Regarding (b), here's something... interesting... I was trying to explain to a member about how you know... for guitarists, the way the guitar moves against your body, influences the way we play, its like we "feel" the guitar, and how that factors in when adjusting strap height (yes, my guitar is really more than a mere instrument) and what not. To which he explaimed, rather rudely, 'That's rubbish!', laughed and walked off.
I've also had members who use their instrument in very innovative and interesting ways, but those ways eat into other instruments' sonic spectrum. They overpower the rest. A bit hard to deal with eh this kind of things... makes performing with that perfect mix harder to achieve!

Ah well, i don't have a lot of band experience. Personally, I'm in (a) a lot of times... When joining a band, it doesn't mean the you (or the band) would fit like a glove. Sometimes the glove is ill fitting but it works, only to cause problems later on. Other times, the glove just can't fit. I tend to get into the "can't fit" thing a lot. Perculiar taste for music and wannabe-ing to be different can suck. :lol: :wink:
Kash said:
So which band are you in now??

2, OpenEnded and Splintered Theory. Actually, sessioning for OpenEnded... Don't know if I would join them, the later material coming up will be the deciding factor.

Might be doing up a trio.
the point is - in person rylche seems pretty nice to me. but on soft he brings out the past and exxagerates them? I dont visit soft often, maybe thats why he thought it would be 'safe' to post since i wouldnt read it anyway.

what if i went to the bass forums and started complaining bout how my ex-bassist (i.e rylche) would play lousy bass and start playing random sour names in the middle of songs and thus ruin them? how would rylche feel.
crappycrappy said:
the point is - in person rylche seems pretty nice to me. but on soft he brings out the past and exxagerates them? I dont visit soft often, maybe thats why he thought it would be 'safe' to post since i wouldnt read it anyway.

what if i went to the bass forums and started complaining bout how my ex-bassist (i.e rylche) would play lousy bass and start playing random sour names in the middle of songs and thus ruin them? how would rylche feel.

So.... you are the lead guitarist in question? Or a band member in a band rylche was formerly in? ;)

I would like to think this is a nice world and if you went to the bass forum and started on your former bassist, without mentioning names, rylche might not have done anything?

In anycase, i'm not an either side in your band's politics. Just referring to the posts in this thread. I would think it would be ideal if both of you would walk the talk and sort it out in person... again, not implying anything negative but rather, perhaps suggesting a way to solve the dispute. Should you (or rylche) want to do so lah.
Feedback, mutual understanding & all that jazz is important but EVERY BAND - in fact every organization needs a LEADER.... If not there would be chaos...

I am and have been band leaders with several bands before - I allow fully flexibility & all but when we are "on stage" especially in high pressure situations, the leader is the most impotrant person or the band will look "shite"..

BTW when I session with other bands - I naturally let the other band leader do his thing....

What I'm trying to say is that on stage, there has to be a singular direction and one person has to call the shots....
dont think this thread will help much. personal problem should be solved at a personal level.
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