Bad habits while playing

sometimes i stone out and people say i look distracted. that's during gigs. at home when i'm practising sometimes i forget to swallow my saliva and end up drooling on my guitar and i only stop drooling when i feel my hand get wet.

i think i might have even drooled on my bandmate's guitar once too when i was practising on it. :D
serialninja said:
sometimes i stone out and people say i look distracted. that's during gigs. at home when i'm practising sometimes i forget to swallow my saliva and end up drooling on my guitar and i only stop drooling when i feel my hand get wet.

i think i might have even drooled on my bandmate's guitar once too when i was practising on it. :D

i understand how ya feel... haha... but i never actually drool b4... serveral almost

one habit i keep doing is move around too much... its ok if the whole band does it.. but ever since i started to play bass i get too into the song especially towards the end when i high liao and close eyes forget that i with band and start really like boogieing to the music... den open eyes and see my bandmates laughing... a friend of mine say i very drama
mouth tend to be a little open. in the sense u can see part of my 2 front teeth.
and during gigs, i always have this habit of touching my volume knobs and tone knobs evening when i'm not controlling anything. Just TOUCH it and like "check" if it's at full level. :D
hey same! (the knob thing)
and i believe most of us picked up the mouth-wah thing from watching too much Vai and Satch. :P
Incredible! I missd out tht hahah! Same goes for me. Now thtz a real habit..coz i didnt notice tht i actually check the knobs evn when therez nothing to do with em. N the wah thing, i guess it applies to most guitarists when using the wah. The movement of ur mouth together with the wah is kinda like synchronising.
Vaiyen said:
I don't think that's a bad habit.

when eyes get tired from staring closely at the fretboard for too long.... look at distance stuff to 'rest' the eyes..... then everything gabra....

thats bad....
i wish i had a bad habit like hendrix... everytime play until mouth open n this funny way and face look like he constipated... hhaha... my fren and i agreed that its tohe absolute high of playing that good guitar that makes jimi do that...... hhahaha
My bad habit... People say I seldom smile when I play. I mean I'm a bass player, always at the back reading my charts trying to blend into the backdrop. I try not to be Guy Smiley haha...

BlackMoo said:
I've got this nasty habit of breathing while playing the guitar. Every few beats, I'll respire and breathe. Its so hard not to breathe while playing the guitar. Its a bad habit I guess. I'm still doing it now.

But at least breathing is a good thing... You'd be surprised if i'd told you the most common performing musicians' problems (stage fright etc) comes from NOT breathing. Basically eg guitarist goes up on stage, play and forget to breathe. As a result, they can't seem to get comfortable on stage, due to the lack of oxygen in their bloodstream. But really, I'm not joking.

So if anyone has minor stagefright etc, one thing you can do is jump around like crazy onstage so you'll be forced to breathe out of exhaustion sooner or later haha... Or you can stand there, look relaxed and natural, and be aware that you're actually breathing every now and then. After a while the breathing part becomes really natural and you'll actually be comfortable on stage.