we are b-quartet, mongrel of a band, lab scientists of alternative whatnots. we are from Singapore and we have with us a new body of work entitled "conformity has replaced consciousness".
the title is taken off a lecture (Culture Industry Reconsidered) by social-philosopher Theodor Adorno in 1963. majority of the pieces written for this new album has been directly (and indirectly) influenced by the writings of said name. the content of this set of songs includes themes such as consumerism, identity, self and anarchy. but above all, it is in our best interest to remain free from being dogmatic.
we would like to extend our understanding and love for freedom of thought, creativity and objectivity to all you happy people.
you can pre-order the CD over at Getup Merch's page
HERE or browse our full discography HERE
visit us at
b-quartet's myspace
our pseudo blog
to listen to previews of our upcoming record.
better days ahead.
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