TOBOGGANING: B-Quartet album launch

Please do. We are more than 90% sold-out.

Please let your friends know about this. We will only float 6 tickets at the door now on a first-come-first-serve basis. With our guest list, we are hitting almost maximum capacity for the venue.

We are considering to re-configure the stage layout so to accomodate a bit more people. Yup, we are that dodgy!!!
hi all..

seems like the lyrics link been down for sometime.. (or it could be just me >.<)

could some1 send me a copy of it..?

i'd really want to decypher this magic...

thx in advance.. ! ^^
Thank you.

We are sold out for the show.

Bring a blanket and join us the army of the HOMELESS this Saturday! We will be giving away B-Quartet "HOMELESS" fridge magnets for the 1st 50 guests. First-come-first-serve basis.

PS: We are not joking about the blankets.
I really like their sound on this album. Very nice! Will try to make it tmr.

Hey there, thanks for the interest. We will not be able to admit anyone at the door anymore. We've sold out the show. We've reconfigured the stage layout so now it's free standing, not a seated event anymore just to accomodate more people.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Don't want you to make a wasted trip.

However, there are some upcoming shows which we can keep you informed. Drop us an email at enquiries AT agingyouth DOT com.
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cannot wait cannot wait yippeee.
whoa full sold out. means the place is gonna be pretty squeezy if making it a free standing event yea?
Free standing? Band on the floor? That would mean only the first couple of rows will be able to see the band... not sure that's a good idea...
i had goosebumps for sum parts during the show. its freaking amazing. best show/gig i've watched locally. period.

awesomely good job producing the show, aging youth!!! :)
On the behalf of the band (Faizal, Haykal, Hidir - aka Grunge Boy and Raizan and Luqman and Sirraj) and all of us at Aging Youth Records, a huge thank you for coming down yesterday.

We will see you soon again...

Like at the Esplanade Powerhouse Stage on Sat 23 February at 845pm for 2 sets yo!

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