ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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SOFT should set up Forum of THE BANNED!! Then from there, these banned people can ask why they were banned and bribe or plead innocence. It's funny, SOFT should do that, so at least it'll have a funny bone.

And does that make James the judge, jury and executioner? :lol:
That makes James = G.O.D of the forumz.
But it'll provide an area for explanation to be made over there. Rather then something like this thread is trying to achieve.
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actually if levan really got ban only cos of the wood post then really its too harsh.

i been to other sg forums before when vulgarities and explicit content like pornography are shared between its members openly in public and i don't even see them getting into trouble

well yes its true that this is soft and not "other sg forums" and i should not have compare but seriously banning levan is just too much.

the 1st time i saw levan perform actually we shared the same stage but of cos diff band, was quite a few years back if he can remember its inside far east plaza. i tot he was quite quirky and showoff. but seriously thru the years and seeing how ronin and him has grown n contributed to the our local music scene has actually inspired me quite alot.

and to levan your contributions in soft is definitely appreciated and i have learnt alot from your posts too. well... hmmm kinky ones or not hahaha.

hopefully this issue gets resolved and i hope this ban is lifted and we still see levan active in soft.

PS:maybe james slipped n clicked wrongly thinking he banned riotronin instead of roninriot hahahaha
Levan has been warned many times. Yes, he has been on SOFT for a very long time and has contributed a lot of valuable insights. Many times, when he made bad posts, i will just edit them. Some of you might question why am I censoring? No freedom of speech?

Singapore is known as a clean city. This is because we have an army of cleaners to pick up the rubbish. I don't want to keep picking up the rubbish for others.

I was working at the Raffles Convention Centre the whole day. Just got home, now having my first meal of the day. I would not have time to reply to Levan's sms at all.

Levan is suspended for 3 days. He should have seen that notice when he tried to log in. "Ban" is the technical function used for the suspension.

Every member who took time to register themselves on SOFT is valuable to me. It is my joy to see the community grow and moving towards my goal of connecting people who are interested in music making.

Levan, I hope that 3 days later, you will log in again. Please bear in mind what you have promised me. You have the ability to make SOFT better.
Levan has been warned many times. Yes, he has been on SOFT for a very long time and has contributed a lot of valuable insights. Many times, when he made bad posts, i will just edit them. Some of you might question why am I censoring? No freedom of speech?

Singapore is known as a clean city. This is because we have an army of cleaners to pick up the rubbish. I don't want to keep picking up the rubbish for others.

With all due respect, James, you are contradicting yourself here. If you don't want to pick up other people's rubbish, you should encourage the community to take care of itself. And the first step towards a responsible community (or individual) is to stop mollycoddling.

Also, it doesn't seem fair that this one particular incident was singled out. There are many other posts by many other SOFTies which are far worse in nature and intent, and have gotten by scot-free. I do NOT believe that they should be edited or banned as well- I'm just asking for some consistency here. Otherwise, it suggests that you are allowing your personal prejudices to cloud your otherwise perfect judgement.

Also, James, please address the various issues raised both by Levan and the many other parties expressed here. Kindly do not conveniently disregard them. You have remained silent for way too long, and somehow an overly simplistic metaphor doesn't cut it anymore. If you mean what you say about how SOFTies here are 'valuable to you', and truly enjoy watching your community grow, then treat the loyal members with mutual respect by explaining your past and recent actions that many have deemed conditional and tainted by inconsistent policing.

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That makes James = G.O.D of the forumz.
But it'll provide an area for explanation to be made over there. Rather then something like this thread is trying to achieve.

Hey Effendi bro-

the purpose of this thread is not to seek an explanation. Everybody has their reasons, explanations and excuses for their actions. Whether effective or not, they don't often make things much better.

What i'm looking to achieve is to raise awareness here. When there is injustice, it is the responsibility of the masses to protest against it, or it remains unchecked. We have seen in many, many cases in history what can happen subsequently, even with the best of intentions.
Visa, I have been encouraging everyone to take care of the forum. And it has been generally good. If you spot any post that is bad in nature or intent, I hope you can help me by clicking on the REPORT button.
Yes. So how is an innuendo that did NOT receive ANY complaints from ANY posters equal to something that should subject a person to a ban? The only person who seemed to mind was you. Yet you say this is a community. Are you the exclusive moral guideline for this community? Should you not at least consult the rest and allow the community to point out to you what they find glaring or offensive? We are the community that makes up the forum in the first place.

I find it rather unfair and patronizing to have what is acceptable and unacceptable decided for us without our input. Things are quietly swept under the rug, and I'm sure most people disapprove of this- the evidence is rampant in this thread. I genuinely respect your good intentions- but surely there is an alternative way to point the community in the right direction? I would liken your approach to SOFT to be the way parents or governments dealth with undesirable influences in the past- simply remove them from sight. This is no longer relevant in today's society, and even our local government has learnt this the hard way.
pruss one tio ban visa n shert!!!

uhmm..sorry no constructive input from me here; points have been well discussed.

am in favour of a revised moderation.
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visa, for Levan, it was not just 1 post, 1 thread or 1 warning. Too many already. I have to use suspension to get him to understand.

For me, when a user post post undesirable content, i would tell them not to do it via PM. Is there a better way?
Before I write anything here, please pardon me for my poor English. I just hope my point gets across to you guys:

I'm sure there are people around here who know many sexual innuendos, but choose not to inject their NC16(that's the legal age eh?) mambo jambo here because there are minors. It's not that we don't complain, we just don't care. "Press the report button so troublesome. Later still need explain. Aiya, don't want lah. Just let it slide. If anyone's going to get polluted, heck it won't be me. I'm already a dirty fellow as it is already" James was thoughtful enough to think about the 12/13 year old kids around here who should not be exposed such stuff yet. Put yourself in his/any father's shoes. Would you want your kids to go to the "SINGAPORE MUSIC FORUM", just to see that it's a forum filled with vulgarities masked as lovelovelovelovelove and, "wood"? Yeah, it's funny, but is it really necessary?

Levan, as a regular "poster" yourself. Can't you just avoid this whole nonsense and act as a role model to the rest of the kids around here? You were in one of the most recognized bands in Singapore and you are well known yourself in the scene. We all know you're an intellectual person, with lots of insight about the scene and a decent sense of humor. A little change won't kill. Non-dirty jokes aren't very hard to crack you know. Seriously, that kid who cross dresses and cosplays(that was you right? I'm not very sure). The open flaming of a kid who just needs some proper guidance. The whole lovelovelovelove thing. I know you're wild and fun loving, but some self restraint won't hurt anybody. I'm not saying that you must change. But these are just some personal suggestions. I've been banned on other forums, even those populated with old people for silly little comments similar to yours.

And Visa, this was seriously unnecessary. Levan contribute how much. James contribute how much. I believe we all know deep inside our hearts. This issue of censorship on this forum. Don't need to be so "agro"(slang for aggressive) and come here to bash here and there. Just pm/call up some of the moderators and admin people and some of the old timers and whoever who wants to help. Come out some time for a cup of coffee. Discuss about this. Relax, discuss the issues, then come up with solutions. Goodness. This thread. Nobody win. Levan still serves his 3 day sentence(sounds serious eh?), and looks like a dirty fellow, and James looks like someone who bans others for fun(especially with so many Levan fanboys around here).

2 cents' worth

WAH! This post really very long.
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aiyo! only 3 days ban....its not that bad right? I'm sure many softies have been banned in some way or another...3 days is already considered nothing.....

Tell you what la...if levan cant take the fact that he's been banned for 3 days....James just unban him and ban me instead.... everybody happy right? no need to quarrel anymore...its no big deal to me really :lol: and im not going to create a thread to mourn the fact that I've been banned :)
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