Article: MDA-WDA-Industry Music Training Programmes in lyrics & Melody Writing and Music Arrangement

$9000 ? expensive

You can read my blog (in my signature). That is free.

Anyway there will probably be very little overlap between what's on my blog and what these guys have to say. All advice given by musicians are based on subjective experience, and you are free to accept or reject it. Likewise all music is based on subjective experience which you are free to accept or reject.
just got back from OB course preview

course schedule:
Mon-Wed, 6-10pm
6 months from Mar 2013 onwards

75% attendance required to get grant
90% grant for current media professionals
70% grant for newbies not in the industry

instructors are all industry big names
eg. George Leong, Case Woo, etc

second round of course subject to public interest
I will attend the second session and see they will open other class
oh well, not too sure will there be a second session ?
the way the course presenter puts it - subject to public response.

I intended to apply for the arrangement program but too bad
I can't be joining as I work on Mon and Tues late.

another requirement I observed is the emphasize of piano/keyboard
skill, obvious keyboard is the main input controller for sequencing.

40 vacanies --->>> 40 x S$9000 = ??? ???
this is what OB will earn in 6 months from
conducting this course

12 hour per week,12 hour x 24 week(if it is this long) = 288 hour. $9000 / 288 = $31 per hour. Really not that bad for groups. For me, I really learn keyboard/midi stuff from a private studio. Now in teaching line, an WDA cert will help me to look better for teaching stuff.
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$31 x 40 students == ??? /hr

I know is $1230/hr. In business, yes they earn a lot. But then is it 40 student is a class or 40 max intake per year. How many student in a class? Student to teacher ratio? Do you think they will get full $9000 without WDA asking a cut from it?

I can only see how much you need to pay for the lesson compare to other like SOMA and other institution that offer dip. I agree these two company have to no dip for you. But they have link to Asia publishing house and other partners. I learned composing and music arrangement and spend about $12K without even a recognized cert.
for the calculations I made above is just a mere way of
looking at the amount of money involved.

this course is indeed a gateway to the music industry, it's
not about the cert, it's about the opportunities and contacts.

looking at the course topics, I already know 75% but I'm still
keen to apply for it. however too bad I'm unable to attend the
course due to work issue.

here's for those who are keen to be the next fame composer
arranger, this is the gateway to the Asia music industry
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