Article: 5 of Singapore's best local record labels

Laughable... Singapore has got a long way to go... As long as there is one body (Mediacorp) controlling what is seen or heard, it will never change. Censorship, freedom of expression/speech, equal opportunities needs to be looked at and addressed. Art scene? What art scene? It is always the same old people/company or foreigners monopolizing the scene. Where are the new/young talents? These very insignificant and supposed 5 record labels need to watch their finances and will never take the risks or make the sacrifice to unearth new talents for the sake of Art.
I don't see what censorship has to do with this? People like KittyWu have been taking risks from the beginning to bring in experimental acts and promote our own. It's just a small informative article on CNN and targeted more at people who don't know anything about the local industry, not an opinion piece.
-Censorship has its ties to freedom of speech and expression. If you do not believe it has anything to do with it than my statement on addressing these issues are sound and true.
-Yes, it is just only an informative article but I was just expressing my view on the local scene. Am I not allowed to do so or are opinions allowed on certain articles, like "an opinion piece".
You're allowed to overreact in any way you want. It's a free forum (if not a free country).

I wasn't asking about freedom of speech and expression, I was asking what does censorship have to do with individuals and small businesses who promote independent music? Lack of support is not the same as preventing you from having an experimental rock gig.
Who is overeacting? It was you who reacted to my initial comment. I am just setting you straight. Anyway, in Singapore, censorship is everything to promoters. The acts have to adhere to certain rules and criterias to be allowed to be involved in any promotional gigs...etc. It is naive to think that any act can walk up and perform, if promoters are involved in a gig.
heh, why so angsty

It aint just about censorship.

For a promoters to organize a show, there has to be a basic guideline to follow at least, targeted audience group, the style of music, location and is there a need to apply for public entertaiment licence from spf( etc

Anything that goes wrong, the irresponisble acts prolly can brag about anarchy and ballz to hum chee promotors while promoters themselves prolly having to settle shitz for them.

that said, anyone knows where to find promoters who has no censorship and total artistic freedom? Anyone can recommend?
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Definitely applaud anyone and everyone who is doing something to make the music scene better. It may be bit by bit but it is ok. As long as we don't stop, we will get there.Instead of 'fighting' Mediacorp or censorship, make music that does not require them. This way, we will have no problem to solve.:)
I did not say that it was only about censorship. I pointed it out as one of the problems that will prevent any label to take risks. Singapore has to overcome these obstacles to make a mark in the world musically. Promoters are bound by these rules and can only work within their means. In the end it is their business and rice bowl. Are they willing to take a big risk in a talented but controvertial act? I doubt. Yes we can create around these restrictions but any true artist will tell you that it will not be from the heart.Yes we can applaud them for trying. They are not the only ones who have tried since the 70's but we have been applauding for years and years, and still there has not been any change.I wrote not to condemn Singaporean artists but to condemn the environment the very talented people of Singapore have to strive in.
iam new around here, what are the controversial acts around and what sorta belief do they campaign for? Kinda curious and would like to find out more on them
I don't see anyone overreacting. Yet.

Guidelines and regulations are different from censorship. So is monopoly. Effects might overlap, but the concepts themselves come from very different places.

About the article, I don't see anything to do with censorship. I think it's more to do with the public mindset about "local music". The next time you have some cafe/pub gig doing light music and intend to play an original, try this: fit it inbetween two popular crowd pleasers. Don't do chit-chat fillers or introduce songs, especially don't say "this is something I wrote". Just play. If the crowd likes your song, after your set you might get questions like "Which band did that song? It's nice." I've had it happen... once or twice :/
1 label deals with band
4 others on electronic genres..
So band guys, it's time to start hunting out for overseas labels..

Ok.. about censorship.. People get so fussed up about it.. but that is one of the least important factor that undermine the local industry..
In what angle will someone fail censorship?? Anti-Government messages?? How many acts are doing that?? We feel the need to rebel, and that rebellion leads to us focusing so deeply on these issues that it seem to circumstance everything in our viewpoint about the local music scene. Looking at things from the broaden perspective, the local industry suffers on the overall, not in this angle.
There has been so many fallen labels over the last 20 years, Big'O, Straits Records, Rock Records etc etc... reminiscence of a historic past, yet many local Singaporeans haven't even heard of their names..
Fingers pointed at Mediacorp, and many feel that this big company is just dominating the whole market with foreign talents, failing to give priorities to local acts, failing to give local acts more airplay, and this battle has been wielding on for 'who knows when'. I have indeed seen more airplay for local talents over the period of 20 years, as compared to the 80s, yet the serious question one can ask is 'Even with airplay, how popular do these acts get??'
Though nonetheless, we have to still keep pushing the 'lazy giant' to scoop us up.
The bigger question is CROWD APPEAL..
Commercial bodies think in terms of finances.. $$ makes $$, it's not a measure of genre, it's not whether you are the most underground extreme metal band that get's forsaken because of your limited free speech or dark influences.. Even if you are that, and the whole Singapore loves you, the commercial bodies will still have to pay attention to you.
With the entire world changing, music becoming openly available, FOR FREE, a global battle of musicians survival is exhausting. The tables have turned such that unknown artist/bands can get more leverage in the market just by self-promoting while major acts are suffering losses. In otherward, you can make $$ to a certain point but to be fantastically multi-millionaires from it is really hard.
The question is still CROWD APPEAL..
Why are people in Singapore uninterested to view original local acts performances??
As much as many thinks it starts from the top down approach, it doesn't.
As much as popular commercial music seems to get more fame, but as a local act, it's hard.
Cos the layman's mentality often resorts to paying attention at famous billboard acts, not you.
And when their mentality is that, you get a nostalgic market that surfaces in Singapore, and Mediacorp, follows that bidding, continue to promote commercialism, and this is where we are now, only foreign talents are looked up to.
You can't break the flow by plunging underground music to people's ears, all you get is your own community of musicians isolating from the world.
I believe we need to first change the layman's 'ears', change their influences..
If they only hear top 40s all their life, how can they accept other influences?? It's the entire nostalgic mentality that blockades creativity both in the local artist and the local audience.
In short, we have to steer Mediacorp, the radio stations and the big bodies to welcome in other genres, be it foreign or local. The more open the audience becomes, the more willing they are to accepting local acts and their original music.

'People need to be interested in discovery, kill that interest and they won't discover you'
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Interesting exposition, thanks for sharing your opinions. Perhaps you're right about boiling down to crowd appeal. I agree with that one.
And you may be right about laymen's mentality at famous artistes or critically acclaimed music producers and DJs.

I'm a laymen so I usually think nothing about local music scene. It is stereotypical of me.
I'm a fan of electronic music of various sub-styles and sub-genres. I never seriously listened to local or resident DJs of clubs, only looking forward to famous or popular overseas DJs that were invited to play at Zouk or whichever club they end up playing.

I'm trying to be more forgiving or change if you will. I'm trying to be more objective in listening to other people's music. More specifically the local music talents. I believe hidden gems are waiting to be discovered. And hopefully or ideally more laymen ears may become attuned and accept more music styles or genres. As a consequence of that, more demand for music labels or records will spring out? It'll be interesting to observe this phenomenon, if at all.
