:arrow: attention james, moderators of SOFT!!!!

Haha, I knew that, Scream_ed! :lol:

Vaiyen is very wise and knowledgable, plus he is a veteran here at SOFT. Also, interpersonal skills are very important, and he seems to possess that quality. It would certainly be great if he was appointed as an assistant for SOFT...

I'm not really for the idea of a sorority of moderators because I foresee it will complicate human dynamics A LOT. We should preserve the camaraderie here as best as we can.

True. The complications are huge!!

What is SOFT's policy on the usage of the word f**k?
Thanks Jumbo..

should we open a new thread where we put up links to threads which we think deserve to be stickied? It will make pluralistic discussion on stickie criteria much easier, as opposed to using PM. Also, it will reduce duplication of efforts.
What ya think?
Vaiyen said:
To be honest, It's kinda sad to see the laojiaos posting less and less(what happened to vern anyway?),

I'm here, watching and reading with interest.

I've had a heavy travel schedule in past months which is why I couldn't contribute much, but even so, if I find a topic or thread interesting enough I like to jump in if I can - unfortunately many of the threads haven't attracted me recently.

I have nothing against noobs or 'laojiaos' (must get out my Chinese dictionary) and if I were SOFT I'd welcome anyone so long as they abide by the responsible posting guidelines. I love this forum and check it everyday, and I agree with other pundits that we shouldn't talk of a 'golden age' but it is kinda true that the conversations were far more engaging and relevant around 12 months ago. Well, only one thing to do - let's start up some intersting threads ourselves. :)
Lifehouse said:
PS: Vaiyen, Vern didnt altogether disappear. He recently just PMed that he wanna sell his Univalve. :smt003

Haha! And now I am glad you didn't accept. :) (following my own advice that if you get good gear, keep it.) Anyway, JM closed down, so I can't buy a Bivalve or Flexi to replace it. A sad loss indeed, but all the best to Mark i n his career advancement.
I agree with BlackMoo. It's a great idea.
"Buying a new guitar? Look here.", "Buying a new bass? Look here." etc would be real handy.

I think it should have a price range, like $100-$500, $500-$1000 and >$1000...
And a list of brands carried by the local music stores could help too... seeing how some of the guys are losing their way.
I think Blackmoo's idea should be "Buying your first guitar/bass/drum kit/keyboard/insert instrument here." Since most people would be rather familiar with the process after their first. Of course, just a suggestion.
Vaiyen said:
should we open a new thread where we put up links to threads which we think deserve to be stickied? It will make pluralistic discussion on stickie criteria much easier, as opposed to using PM. Also, it will reduce duplication of efforts.
What ya think?

Once you give the word go, we can get on it immediately.
Vaiyen, ya, it would be a good idea to start a new thread titled "Guitar FAQ" in the guitar section. We will build it over time when valuable threads come along.

We need some editorial for the general topics. Say for example, "Buying a new guitar". We need someone to write about the different type of guitars - acoustic/electric, then the body shape and some info on the different parts of the guitar and it's purpose. This will give the newbie some background info when doing research. Put it into short plain English for easy understanding.

The "Buying a new guitar? Look here." Should be in the FAQ.

The "list of brands carried by the local music stores" can also be in the FAQ.
James, what I mean is a thread in the forum which we can all throw in the links to useful threads. Then after some consideration, we finalize what threads should be stickied.
A thread like this will allow everyone to participate. It will also facilitate open discussion abt why a particular thread should/should not be stickied.
It will prevent duplication of effort as well.

Tonnes and tonnes have been written already, so I don't really see the need to write brand new articles.

I think I'll just start one so you can see what I mean.
i happen to go to soft forum quite long already but i find that it is quite nice no complains dont really know wat this post/thread is all about:

i tho this place is such a good place to exchange ideas (good work James) y everythings in s'pore must have so many rules?? u want more rules u go prison or be police man lah ... less rules better .... for those who have super big avatar they got problem with their EGO lah ...they need ATTENTION :P
The reason why people are suggesting rules is because a lot of members aren't behaving themselves.

Big avatar or not is not the concern. Who cares about how big your ego and how much attention you seek? It's about how you post and conduct yourself that's what matters most here in SOFT, or in any forum for that matter.
Some new general guidelines should be good , this forum is slowly turning into a market place, some of the threads here is either very dumb or utter nonsense. I should say people who does not play the 4, 5 , 6, 7 strings instructment find themself a bit alienated here.

What this forum need is more people with real expertise experience and knowledge to help answer any question, not people who read up things on the net and answer question like they are experts when certain simple basic things that they do not even know.

I think the limitation of more than 10 words is good. If you have nothing to say then do not post.

yay, at last something has been done to instill a common goal here!!

well, i hope members will find that some sort of 'order' will enhance our learning experience in SOFT.

lets have fun shedding some wood n making gd music!!

so sorry for those who feel objected to agree with the whole idea of creating a more condusive musicplace here..