suddenly i see dis forum very lame.
can this rules taken from help dis situation?
Forum Rules
Failure to follow these rules will result in termination of your forum account.
1. Respect - Treat all fellow forum members with respect. The rule of the land here is common courtesy. Members who have a problem with this are not welcome. Intelligent debate is permitted. Childish fighting is not. Racially derogatory remarks are not tolerated
2. Language - Foul language is not tolerated in the forums. Keep it clean.
3. Spam is prohibited. Do not post the same question or comment in multiple forums......once is enough. Advertising posts are prohibited. Do not make posts that only serve to promote a product you are selling. Do not make posts that are advertising gear that you are trying to sell.....try ebay instead.
4. Do not post material that is obscene or sexually explicit. Do not post links to sites that contain obscene or sexually explicit material.
5. Posts that promote or incite illegal activity are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to warez, software cracks, and sharing of serial numbers for pirated software.
6. Post your question or comments in the most appropriate forum category. If your question is about music theory, post in the "Theory and Ear Training" forum. If you have a gear related question, post in the "Gear Forum"
7. Try to use descriptive titles for your posts. Try to avoid post with subject of "help". If the post is about minor pentatonic scales, put "minor pentatonic scales" in the subject.
8. Signatures at the bottom of your posts must be short and it good taste. (see above rules) Signatures must not be more that 6 lines long including blank lines. They must not contain all capital letters, and if you alter the text size it must be no larger than the default text size of the forum.
9. Post in this forum must have something to do with music. There is no off-topic forum. There are plenty of general forums out there to chose from
10. Do not make irrelevant one word post just to increase the your posting count.
11. Avatars - You may upload your own personal avatar to be displayed under your name in every post that you make. Avatars must be in good taste and follow the rules of the forum. There size is limited to 65 by 65 pixels, and must be under 1.5K in size. There are many freeware or shareware graphics editing programs available to edit graphics to fit this limitation. Custom avatars can be added in the user control panel....the green button at the top of all forum pages that says "user cp".
12. Neighborhood Watch - Help keep this forum a positive and fun place to hang out and talk about music. If you see a post that does not follow the rules stated above, please report it to a moderator. In the bottom right corner of every post is a link that says "Report this post to a moderator". Click on that link and it will let us know right where the problematic post is.
13. Have fun!
can this rules taken from help dis situation?
Forum Rules
Failure to follow these rules will result in termination of your forum account.
1. Respect - Treat all fellow forum members with respect. The rule of the land here is common courtesy. Members who have a problem with this are not welcome. Intelligent debate is permitted. Childish fighting is not. Racially derogatory remarks are not tolerated
2. Language - Foul language is not tolerated in the forums. Keep it clean.
3. Spam is prohibited. Do not post the same question or comment in multiple forums......once is enough. Advertising posts are prohibited. Do not make posts that only serve to promote a product you are selling. Do not make posts that are advertising gear that you are trying to sell.....try ebay instead.
4. Do not post material that is obscene or sexually explicit. Do not post links to sites that contain obscene or sexually explicit material.
5. Posts that promote or incite illegal activity are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to warez, software cracks, and sharing of serial numbers for pirated software.
6. Post your question or comments in the most appropriate forum category. If your question is about music theory, post in the "Theory and Ear Training" forum. If you have a gear related question, post in the "Gear Forum"
7. Try to use descriptive titles for your posts. Try to avoid post with subject of "help". If the post is about minor pentatonic scales, put "minor pentatonic scales" in the subject.
8. Signatures at the bottom of your posts must be short and it good taste. (see above rules) Signatures must not be more that 6 lines long including blank lines. They must not contain all capital letters, and if you alter the text size it must be no larger than the default text size of the forum.
9. Post in this forum must have something to do with music. There is no off-topic forum. There are plenty of general forums out there to chose from
10. Do not make irrelevant one word post just to increase the your posting count.
11. Avatars - You may upload your own personal avatar to be displayed under your name in every post that you make. Avatars must be in good taste and follow the rules of the forum. There size is limited to 65 by 65 pixels, and must be under 1.5K in size. There are many freeware or shareware graphics editing programs available to edit graphics to fit this limitation. Custom avatars can be added in the user control panel....the green button at the top of all forum pages that says "user cp".
12. Neighborhood Watch - Help keep this forum a positive and fun place to hang out and talk about music. If you see a post that does not follow the rules stated above, please report it to a moderator. In the bottom right corner of every post is a link that says "Report this post to a moderator". Click on that link and it will let us know right where the problematic post is.
13. Have fun!