arpeggios from hell


New member
hello fellow softies.. i am currently learning arpeggois from hell by the great malmsy himself.. a question to all of you.. how did you learn this song? for me i slowed it down to a painfully slow 35 bpm and am finally getting a hang of it.. been trying to play this for a long time but i guess i was too impatient at first and tried to learn the song at its original speed.. i started doing scaling exercises last week(i guess im starting ait late since i started guitaring 2 years ago :oops: ) any tips would be greeted with thanks
well, you should go get a guitar instructor... or shredcow's advice, stop all these shredding things for a couple days and come back look at it in a whole new way...

Stop, take out something like Frederic Chopin's Fantaisie impromptu in C sharp minor, op.66... the go back to malm's thing, and realise its now much easier to manage. ;)

Thing is man, there's some music thats difficult to play and it WILL take time... like what you said, you didn't start slow and you are having difficulties now... so you are starting scaling exercises. I reccommend you carry on what you are doing, practice some scales, getting your fingers/speed up... forget abt this arppegios from hell thing and come back later.

Like the above classical piece I mentioned, NO ONE should ever take that up as a beginner then learn it at original speed.. its insane beyond insane! Work on your chops, then come back to it... might take mths or yrs but hell, when you are back after proper practice, you'll rip thru it... at least at 70bpm. :)
Vaiyen said:
I am reminded of Bumblefoot's version haha....that guy is too good.

That is insane. One of the most insane covers ever... Chopin was a genius (duh) with chromatics... and Bumblefoot was just over the top to cover that piece...
wat to note abt that piece is the smooth..almost legato like chromatics.....,
or u guys wanna hav a stab at the bumblebee instead,

strats i dont think there ways to help except to practice, anyway make sure the sweep r even...

for sweeping exercise i prefer Frank Gambale..i think he`s cleaner and more challenging..
for that song, i think using all 4 fretting fingers ESPECIALLY the pinky is the key to playing fast, considering the notes are super far away.
strats said:
hello fellow softies.. i am currently learning arpeggois from hell by the great malmsy himself.. a question to all of you.. how did you learn this song? for me i slowed it down to a painfully slow 35 bpm and am finally getting a hang of it.. been trying to play this for a long time but i guess i was too impatient at first and tried to learn the song at its original speed.. i started doing scaling exercises last week(i guess im starting ait late since i started guitaring 2 years ago :oops: ) any tips would be greeted with thanks

Economy picking will definitely help a great deal when playing this song. Makes things sound, smoother.
thx to all who replied.. hmm i'm continuing doing my scaling exercises which seems to help alot.. i just started using my pinky(after 2 years of inactivity) and everything seems to be going quite well for now.. i slowed the song by quite alot, to a painfully slow 35bpm.. but for now i decided to concentrate more on finger exercises

p.s:wads economy picking? :oops:
basically for this song ye just need ta rmmbr what ta play, and ofcourse the work of yer pinky too. As every1 would say, start slow. 35bpm? I'd recommend ye go 10bpm. Then increase slowly. Depends on how fast a learner u r. Dont worry yerself w/ all those mindless theorems. Just go straight to the point, if ye reli wanna nail tht song that is. For the solo, thtz a whole different story. Btw, economy picking to me is ye pick w/ stuff ye cant buy. Pick w/ trash, which is economical :lol: Don't pick w/ coins, it costs.
10 bpm is seriously way slow.. try slowing it to that speed and i hafta wait for quite a bit for the next note.. i can play the song at around 70bom now(tho not perfect) and aiming to master it by end of the year.. which doesnt seem too impossibleif not for o levels :(
true true.. though i don't schedule my guitar practice times.. i wonder how some people can spend up to 2 hours or more playing on the guitar.. i spend 1 hour at most(sucks being a schoolboy). what do you guys do when practicing? i do mostly chromatics,string skipping and sweeping.. thats all i seem to do in fact.. whats legato?
whoa..u skipped a step. Should'v learnt legato before string skipping :lol: Jk..Itz left-hand tapping..basically u pick once n do a fast lick with pull-offs n hammer-ons..btw evr heard of 9 hrs a day on guitars? 8O
9 hrs a day.. not really that feasable these days eh? Especially in Singapore where studies are still priority.. Maybe during the holidays :D
Not econmicaly feasible too.
Imagine how many packs of strings you'll need, medical fees should you suffer some muscles strains/cramps etc... :lol:
Hmmm... I believe in diminishing returns.

Note that practicing 9 hours a day on a single topic, isn't exactly a good use of time? If you keep practicing a single exercise/song for hours, you will come to a point when you find you just can't seem to improve anymore. Now, thats when you stop. And go do another song/exercise.

Sometimes, you got to walk away from a tough piece when you've just put in so much. ;)
oh well..some1 does 9 hours a day. at least used to :lol: & now he might just b one of the best young guitarists together w/ ppl like yan & a few others :prayer: Bt i seriously do not c the point :smt017 Some can b bttr w/o much practice n some w/ so much practice n some can nvr improve w/ or w/o practice..ppl like me :lol: