Having worked for SAE, run a studio, am also with SP...
Here are some bits of advice or things to think about...
Audio Engineering is no bed of roses. Its not about just being a fan of music though it may be a prerequisite. You have to be sure of what you want to do and that meaning the level of commitment has to be high.
The audio industry in singapore is a small one and rest assured chances are you won't be swimming in money(unless you are really lucky) but the profession has always been more about passion. It has to be something you love. There's nothing quite like the whole production process from start to finish. It can be a real pain in the ass as well but when all is said and done, its a very good feeling. Even better when people actually like the production work.
If you are going to a school, pls realise there is more to audio engineering than just recording a piece of music or placing a mic in front of a sound soure. Audio engineering itself has so many sub divisions and at place like SAE, it would mean you have to learn all of it. I have seen many a student who only actually want to learn a particular thing, don't like the rest and eventually fall out claiming the school sucks and didn't learn anything.I personally found SAE to be great and I learned a lot and I really used the studios to max when I was there, I spent more time in the studios there when I was a student than I did at home. Home was just to shower, get stuff and back to the studio again.
Audio engineering can be quite depressing in the sense that when you hear some of your favourite records and you can't get the same quality but the key thing is listen, try, listen, try again. And along the way, you will find yourself developing your own production style. And trust me, I have been doing this for like 8 yrs plus now and there are still stuff I am learning and things I am trying out. Gears I have tried and yet to try, mixing techniques that I use, change, incorporate new techniques....it just goes on and on...
Its a big commitment. It requires patience, whether its on your part or just dealing with clients. It requires an open mind.
If you are prepared for all this, go ahead. And I wish you all the best.
(sorry for the long haphazzard post)