Anyone remembers the Twin Peaks TV show?


New member
I remember watching the trailer of it last time back in the early 90`s..I was in Pri 3 at the time haha...I dun watch the show but I still remember the haunting music theme from it....nostalgia haha..anyone remembers the show?
Believe it or not, I actually sequenced the theme song on my Yamaha SY99 just for fun - and I recorded it onto cassette tape - during the days when CD is not existent. Can't believe I actually did that....

But it's really a terrible show. Why did you bring it up???
I only remember the trailer for its theme music only haha..I dun watch the show hehe...I was playing my Yamaha DGX-205 keyboards, CP 80 setting then suddenly it had tat effect in which I started to remember the theme song haha...: )
Haha! Those were the days I would sequence whatever I heard. I vaguely remembered around that time was also when I actually transcribed the entire Olympics Theme song just for fun (the one in Korea) - the one with the orchestra. The wierd things I did when I was young...

Yah, I remember the Twin Peaks song very well. Still gives me the creeps now that I think of it... The show was pretty creepy too.

You must have a great ear! You remember the theme song by just listening to the trailer??? How many times did you listen to that?
I cant remember how many times... tat was sooooo long ago ever since I watched the trailer..15 years ago man...the theme song had this 2 notes played quite thickly... C F then C D...listening to it gives me chills...i just remembered the Twin Peaks title and the pyramids during the trailer..haha..
Hey, some people love the series. Its by Film's King of Weirdness, David Lynch. Its was cool before weird was in and Kyle Mclachan was THE David Duchovny of the series. I was in primary school and that show really expanded my imagination, scary, beautiful and mysterious all in one. Its like watching a Kafka mystery on celluloid... And I bought the whole series on DVD when it was released few years back.
so glad someone else here likes David Lynch. one day i really want to make music like his films (his films, not his film music though). his films have so much of my heart, i think.
i used to have tuition on Twin Peaks nights, would be running home & telling my tutor i wanna find out who killed Laura Palmer- she didn;t have a single clue of course.

The suspense was not bad, until the last episode when the people starting talking in back-masking-type voice. Then it started to get even wierder. Still gives me the shivers to think about it....
one of the attraction of twin peaks are the music soundtrack:

the first one comes with the main theme
which brings shivers to your spine.

the second soundtrack with the actress on the cover comes
with a solid house jam instrumental which is hypotic.

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