Anybody here has pinkie trouble?

Try hammers and pulls with each of the sets:

1, 4

2, 4,

3, 4

..where 1 refers to index finger, 2 to middle, 3 to ring and 4 to pinkie.

Most people find the 3 to 4 trills the most difficult and which need the most development.

I got a development on this exercise.

All fingers on 1 string, each fretting an adjacent fret. E.g. G string, frets 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Keep all fingers fretting... take one finger, do open string pull-off/hammer-on on the adjacent string above. E.g. All fingers still down, take pinky, do pull-off/hammer-on on D string.

Very tiring exercise because it isolates a finger and you really work it out. Mindless/brainless sit-in-front-of-tv exercise too.
I seldom use my pinkie too except when im playing hammer on & pull offs, over extended chord fingering, slide and rock & roll back beat rhythm. On bass I use it a bit more. And of course I use it exclusively for the between set nose picking sessions.
can anyone play 3-string power chords (355, 466, etc) using the spider technique? it's really impossible for me to fret more than one string with my pinkie.
thats just a normal power chord stuff.the technique is playing power chords on the lower E and A instantaneously.

okay maybe the way i describe it is pretty ridiculous.juat check most stuff mustaine does.he said it was used before he got booted out from metallica.
I used to. just keep using your pinky.

Especially for pentatonic scales. keep running up and down.
the pinkie is extremely important. you can get away without using it for awhile, but sooner or later you will have problems scaling, and by then you would have picked up bad habits. more so for bass, and it was really tough for me to get it, given the long scale and heavier string gauge of a bass.
man...using pinkie is hard. sometimes my pinkie just turn off. like it is straight and cannot bend properly. i practise it on hallowed be thy name on the 3string riff. but i still suck, of course.
That's what scales are for. My memory fails me at names but the one where you do the spider run is helpful.

I think.

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