Any idea where to get BBE Supa Charger?

Well guys just an honest opinion that one spot isn't horrible or bad, pls just take this thread's info like a pinch of salt, if u guys can justify and feel good abt using the one spot pls carry on my friends, remember to each his own, cheers!
woohoo i just pre-ordered the fuel tank jnr from davis today! i asked them if i could buy the display set's one and they said no :(
Hey dudelove i already got mine today!!!!! WOOHOO!! Anyway i feel for u bro cause 2 months is a long wait...........
well its okay.. cos i dont have money right now. and december no one has money cos of christmas. so jan would be the best time to get. in fact the dude said might be 3 months.

i'm currently saving up to ship in a bigsby vibrato. so hopefully can get that before the fuel tanks come in.

hahah good for u lah! ask u ah.. since u have 10 pedals, from every output, u power 2 pedals with a daisy chain? does it come with daisy chains that connect only 2 pedals? i've nvr owned one of them before so i dont know..
No prob goose, will do it in a few days time just keep a look out for the review. So far i have tried powering my katana, 7heaven, direct drive, ltd, vox wah, and dt10 tuner with no probs at all with just one power outlet daisy chained.......keke, i have done my math and i will only use up 3 outputs, so i have 2 more that's left unused. Btw goose i would like to know wat is the power draw for the 7heaven?
damn....i got quite a few high ma pedals that i wont be able to power with that thing!

E.g, Boss PS-5, DD7, Moog Murf, H2O

all around 50 Ma each or more...the murf is a killer at 300 ma!

My one spot seems fine handling all that for now.
Well i am using the fuel tank jr for all my pedals except my nova reverb which i use the t.c adaptor which is 300ma keke........but as for the rest pretty awesome......oh just an add on didnt realize that the small clone is a power guzzler which needs 100ma of power for such a simple pedal lol! I am so damn excited that my board is finally ready, and i will be posting a pic soon..........keke keep a watchout yeah, cheers!

IZED do consider getting a voodoo lab pedal power or the bbe supa charger, it will definitely do u gd especially with such nice pedals u got, PROTECT UR INVESTMENT bro!
goose is it possible to get an exact figure my friend? keke it will be helpful for all those with the 7th, thanx.
i may be ordering 2 for myself soon, so maybe if anyone's interested can pm me and we'll all save on shipping. they also have a special price for those who order in pairs or threes. useful for ppl with one spot to isolate problematic pedals like in this case my moog and phaser. Its isolated and even comes with its own toridal transformer too!
Godspeed64, try to grab a couple of batteries... the different types... I dunno what they are but try to get some. Then give them a run thru the fuzz. The differences in tone might be very interesting...

Who knows - you might swear by batteries after this!
haha thats some corksniffer talk man....but well i did notice differences running my fuzz on a heavy duty battery compared to say, my one spot...some differences i noticed was the sound was slightly less bright and in your face. The feel of the fuzz changed too.

A virtual battery may be worth getting to save batteries in the long run - although it wont be able to do the dying battery sag sputter thing.