Any guitarists into software?


I know if I post this in the software section, it may not be read. Anyway, it relates to guitarists.

Just curious how many of you guitarists are into software plug-ins like amplitube. It's certainly more portable to have a laptop than to bring multiple amps and pedals around.

im using guitarfx box for effects and recording into the computer
but since i dont have a laptop, im afraid i cant use it in jamming studios :(
not really INTO it, but yes i do have amplitube as well, but dun really use it. also have others for fx like lexicon verbs and other delay plugs. also have psp vintage warmer. find it useful cos it really fattens up an otherwise cold track. hehe. anyways, nowadays, i just use my pod. thru guitarport. excellent combi and sound. maybe u could get guitarport, it'd be much better....cheers.
guitarport is good. You can also try the Guitarport Rifftracker software bundled with the gtr port. Great stuff for recording gtr tracks. It's really easy to use. usability 10/10. comes with incredible drum loops done by real drummers.
heya djtommy; thks for the pod xt man! its great stuff! btw, i downloaded the guitarport but i dun have rifftracker lei...did i do somethin wrong? cheers