Any good Audio Interfaces to recommend below $350SGD?


New member
Hi all! I used to use a Line 6 Pod Studio KB37, but since my dad bought a digital piano which is MIDI-compatible, I've decided to sell it away and get a new one. I'm not sure what to get but I sure as heck don't want to use POD farm anymore. Any good ones to recommend? I saw an M-Audio FW410 and it looked quite good..but I want to know what's out there before making a buy.

I'd like to at least be able to record 1 Mic and 1 Intrument at the same time.
It also has to have phantom power as I'm using a condenser.
USB please:p The faster the better.

So, yea, any suggestion would be great and very helpful indeed.

Thanks for your kind attention and I hope to hear from you all soon!
Well I use a Steinberg Ci1 .. Bought for 150 sgd...

Has 2 mic inputs with one high impedance for guitar which can be used for mics as well...
Phantom power for condenser
Dac with headphone out as well as audio out
Comes with DAW wavelab le and sequel le
Works for mac and windows
Inputs are hybrid which can take 1/4 inch jacks to XLR inputs

Sampling at 24bit 48 kHz

All in all great value for price and works great for my needs
alva nanoface, is bought over by this company called RME, which makes really good audio interface

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