My vote goes to Human. Recruiting bassist extraordinaire Digiorgio and Cynic duo Sean and Paul, i feel that this album is Death's peak. It's one of the best Death Metal albums ever. Scream, Bloody Gore and Leprosy were excellent raw albums of an upcoming band. Spiritual Healing was underrated. ITP was a decent release though i found it forgettable and confused. Symbolic was probably their 2nd best. TSOP was a decent album but i found some songs to be quite draggy, i didnt like the bassist using a pick (first death bassist to do so), and chuck's vocals were not as good as his earlier efforts. However, there were songs that were catchy and technical enough, not to mention melodic.
Moving back onto my fave album. Human possessed all the necessities a Metal fan would crave for... Technicality, Groove, Brutality, Melody etc etc
as all Death's releases since Spiritual Healing, the musicianship as usual were top notch. Chuck's memorable guitar work together with the technical chops of Reinhert on drums, Paul's fretboard wizardry and Steve's extraordinary basslines, i totally enjoyed all the songs on this album.
I can't really say which song is my favourite as they were all MASTERCLASS.
Flattening of Emotions was a killer intro, Suicide Machine blended brutality and technicality and had probably the grooviest chorus ever. Together as One was a gutbusting take which brings a listener back all the way to early-death metal Florida. Secret Face, See Through Dreams and Vacant Planets were underrated death classics too. Cosmic Sea was simply ethereal, heavenly, celestial. Finally, Lack of Comprehension is simply one of the best Death's songs ever.
For those of you who do not own this album on CD, you're not a DEATH fan at all!
as Chuck would say.. SUPPORT MUSIC, NOT RUMORS
celestial serenity