Anti P2P(Pay to Play) organization Up and Ready !!!

My hunch tells me you'd do better if you focus on the "The aim of this movement is to promote DIY gigs among bands" instead of the "instead of being ticket runners for organisers aswell as performers." portion. But then, I have no experience, so maybe your way works better. Go ahead.

Dude what have i been trying to say all the while ? It was an example i was giving of how they can earn money for themselves. Didnt i say my focus was promote Diy gigs among bands in the earlier post :)
1. I find people to pay
2. I organize
3. Only good bands can play - How is this different from a normal band gig? How does this address the bands who nobody wants?

IMO bands that nobody wants to hear should not be playing in gigs at all. Too bad for them, if they suck that much that their friends aren't willing to pay to watch them, they can either give up or work harder to achieve a better sound. Seriously, just because they want to gig does not mean that they should if they sound like ass.

And although some people might technically say this is still a 'pay to play' thing, at least you would know that there are much more material opportunities. And everything is more or less out in the open. Many good bands I know and one that I used to be in, simply knew no decent avenue. We were all VERY unwilling to play in the shitty pay to play gigs where the only watchers are your friends and the crew, and where 50% of the bands play metal that sounds more like construction noises.

At least now there is a new avenue for bands who honestly know they are pretty good, and want to get more exposure and actually progress. I only hope this avenue doesn't get saturated by the gazillions of disgusting sounding local bands who think the world owes them a living, but instead that the good sounding bands realise this and take the step.
there is no reason why band's can't organise their own gigs, if they seriously want to play.

but for those who can't be bothered, maybe they deserve to pay to play
Just a bit of thought to put forward to Syamraj: It's gonna be tough looking for a sincere volunteer. Instead of asking people to come forward, I would suggest seeking out.

Volunteers would come when your organisation have a strong portfolio, or an impressive package that could give the promise of or at least the illusion of a grand scheme of things. Right now, you are starting this out, it's a bit of a risk to invest time and patience into something that is not yet tangible. So I would think it is normal to have no response to this.

Also, right now, what your idea lacks is that it is still in parallel to the idea that bands need to pay in order to perform. It might not be the same, but honestly, the similarity is still daunting; essentially, bands need to pay a certain amount to support the show in order to play. It's not all too different from many other gigs out there.

I believe that if you comb through the things you have, though, you will be able to find one unique selling point that sets you miles apart from the other gigs out there. I can already see one: opportunities to play on a regular basis at well known venues that can promise a substantial audience. You should put the spot light on those facts and make it really stand out.

You keep mentioning about Crossroads magazine. I'm pretty sure most of us have no idea what that magazine about. A bit more infor about it like content, readership and publication reach would seriously help you get the people you need. If these things are enticing, people would want to be part of it.

In sum total, I think your immediate concern right now is your marketing strategy. We need to see that the potential reach of this organisation. Once you get that covered, people will begging to volunteer.

Two cents. :)

PS: BTW...

Appreciation to Bro MaeHeist for posting the link here. :)
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Dude what have i been trying to say all the while ? It was an example i was giving of how they can earn money for themselves. Didnt i say my focus was promote Diy gigs among bands in the earlier post :)

Then what you're saying and what you seem to be promoting are contradictory.

Anti P2P(Pay to Play) organization Up and Ready.
my focus was promote Diy gigs among bands.

Logic fails me at these 2 statements.
I'd understand if:

Anti P2P(Pay to Play) organization Up and Ready.
My focus is to discourage p2p.

or if

DIY gig organization UP and Ready.
My focus is to promote DIY gigs among bands.

You seem to be lacking focus is what I'm saying.

I suck at tennis, but I still book tennis courts to play. I learn this way. The Pros get paid to play at competitions, I pay to play at SAFRA.
I suck at DOTA, but I still go to LAN shops to play. I learn this way. The Pros get paid to play at WCG. I pay to play at Katong.
I suck at gigs, should I pay money to play at a gig so that I may learn? The Pros play at ...erm, baybeats? I play at p2p gigs.

I've always seen p2p gigs to be of this nature. I dunno, how have others been seeing them? As a con?

I go to the lanshop, the owner tells me $2 to play for 1 hour. I pay him, then I play. I don't pay him, then shout WTF I'M A PRO OK YOU SHOULD BE PAYING ME TO WATCH ME PLAY.

Similarly you go to a p2p gig organizer, he tells you $200 to play. You pay him. I find it super amusing that people start shouting WTF I'M A PRO OK YOU SHOULD BE PAYING ME TO PLAY AT YOUR GIG.

However, p2p gigs do have their place. For the good bands, there are always opportunities and avenues. For the inexperienced, a stepping stone is usually helpful. Of course, if they wanna keep stepping on that stone forever, it's really up to them too. Like I've never joined a tennis competition before, and will continue to pay to play.
Blue ark:

Yeah I do get your logic, and I cannot disagree with it. But if we look past the 'Anti P2P' tagline and see what is behind it, this could be really great. For bands that are of better quality than the average p2p band, but either not as good or not getting as much exposure as the better known bands like Allura, Fire Fight, etc.

The TS had this idea entirely inspired from the recent outrage at p2p gigs about maybe a couple of months ago, it can't be too suprising that the phrase associated with his idea is 'Anti p2p'.

You say that for good bands there are opportunities and avenues everywhere. I personally don't find them to be that obvious, although I do realise opportunities are always present. This right here is a chance for one avenue to become a pretty obvious avenue, instead of another one of those "you gotta look in the right places and seize the chance" avenues, and that can only be a good thing right?

Note that by p2p it should mean the typical sell 30 tickets or come up with your own cash equivalent of it, then play in a set for half an hour kind of gigs. A DIY gig can technically be p2p, since bands are contributing a sum of money, but the entire circumstance is different.
Wat can say Money make the music in singapore go round and around
if u got any enquiry go ask the orgiser guyrence....
Hey, this is an awesome start.. I wish you all the best and you have my support...

Im lazy to read the past post/comments and argue over it...

But I would rather get together with a bunch of band-friends, collect money and organise our own gig exposing ourselves and not minding much about big profits or not...
True that you only really get paid if your band is super awesome but to get to that "Awesome" status, you need to play in awesome gigs with other soon-to-be awesome bands...

How to have awesome gigs and awesome bands?.. I rather control my gigs... Or be in the loop with Anti P2P in this case... Be your own organiser... Stop those money-minded organisers..

After all, we should still keep our day-job... Dont tell me you dont have a few hundred bucks to spare... "Oh, we're students and we dnt have money".. Wanna make it big? Go finish school first... Education is still important... Then go work... Go sacrifice afew hundreds.. Hardships should come first and when you get there to that "awesome" status, people will pay you instead..
What the hell Anti-P2P?

You have to pay to perform is because you want to show off your music, and get famous, earn rep, by taking advantage of the gigs, and to become famous and show off your music in the gig, you have to pay because YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WANTS TO EARN REP AND BE FAMOUS BY SHOWING OFF YOUR MUSIC.

The one who created the gig created the gig to earn money, from the audiences. He actually gives you the tickets to sell them off is good enough, that means he's like giving you a chance to "collect" your own audiences for them to see your music. And again, to earn rep and become famous lol.

This may be unclear, but yeah, whatever.
hahahha if he's to wait for ppl to create the group itself, it might take 100 years before ppl even really think of the idea, not even act on it.
hey syam-raj...y don u create a group on the groups might come out with a solution and all

Based on the above quote, I have concluded that Budak Bedok has either no brains, or has no clue how to use it.
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what I meant was if it is useless to create an anti-pay group if you are not going to act on it, and wait for people to act on it. Im am talking about taking responsibilities, if you wait for people to take responsibility you might never wait for it, that is why I appreciate the poster effort to start this movement.
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Um, he IS acting on it.

At least you know he created this, sorry then you aren't brainless, unlike Budak Bedok who is actually asking Shyam Raj to create a group, in a thread discussing about how this very same group has already been made.
its ok man, and thnx for removing the quote too, guess its better to make friends than being mis-understood. Have a good night anyway.
@ budak bedok
seriously dude, just what is your problem? why do you ask people a stupid question like " do u knw who the hell am i?" when obviously we don't. get it right. THIS IS A FORUM. YOU'RE HIDING BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. geez.
great idea you have here bro, i'll add you on myspace as soon as i can.
DIY means.
band A die die want to perform.
so band A use up all their money to pay for the gig, rental all..
if they want profit, or coverup. they just have to do door tix..

band B ,C and D all have to promote only..

ur coverup will depend on how well u guys promote
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