Another Davis bad service story (refunds and exchanges)

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heh, to check the pot before buying, either bring own multi meter for shopping for pot or check with shop on refund policy.

but seriously, when buying pots from guitar shops, usually it come in sealed packet. So theres prolly no way to clip your multi meter to check whether is it working or not without opening up the packet. So that prolly rule out try before buying

I guess its just unlucky in this case. Live and let live, if a 15 years realationship can be soured over a potentiometer, it prolly also symbolised weaknesses in the relationship.

we are, but outsider looking in, imho

Well, if you wanna to buy a pot anywhere, remember to ask them, iszit possible for you to test it. If cant, ask for their name & make sure they commit before you purchase. Play safe on your side.

2. Janet is an angel in Davis. She is the daughter of Davis Music.
so...tell us....which shop is your friend gona patronise now..after this incident?
From what I know, Davis is one of the best places to get good deals on strings. Also, there's a good range of brands and gauges there.

Imagine if your friend were to switch to another shop that sells more expensive strings with limited options. If it turns out that he has to spend $100++++/month, that can amount to a big difference in the long run. Now, to suffer that just because of a $15 pot, who's really losing?

Now, Davis is not my favourite music store, but I always get my strings there, simply because they are cheap there. (I love the ESP 009 gauge with an extra high-E string and a ESP sticker).

You don't have to worry that Davis will lose customers. Davis sells products that ranges from the high-end to the low-end, this is one of those good business strategies. When the economy is good, they have good sales on the high-end gears, and their low-end stuff does well too with the student/novice market. When the economy is not so good, while the high-end stuff may not sell, their low-end and mid-end product still sells. I would say Davis has quite a good customer base.

Be a smart shopper, don't keep focusing on the service, things like strings, cheap parts, etc, don't always need a face to sell. If strings and parts can be sold on a vending machine, i'll buy them from a robot as long as they're cheap.
do i sense sarcasm?

i know why all this bad service exists. it is because guitar stores have sole dealership over certain brands, so the business will come through without adding the customer service.
lucky for us, there are parallel imports and online stores.

I want to revert to my original point, bashing. Yes, since I feel a senseless bashing going on, that's why I step up to the plate, and yes I am being sacarstic at your answers. I have many hidden messages in my posts.

Anyway, since we are clear on that, I will stop here, this is my last post for this tread.

You are free to choose who you take your business to. On-line dealers, other local dealers......etc. This is a free economy in this extent. No arguement on that.

If being a dealer is all glory, there will be no more customers. I am sure there is a big percentage of 'walk-in customers' there who are purely wankers. You like to be in their shoes?

My main point is, there is no room in business for being sentimental. The worst customers are the ones who expect the dealer to bend to breaking point, just because "I know the boss".

You like it, you buy it, you make your choice. You weigh your own diffference, and choose to buy or not from this dealer. Irregardless the dealer is a downright prick or angel is beside the point. It's your own personal opinion. To wash dirty laundry (or others) in public, is a low blow, and it reflects on your own personality as well.

I feel it helps to carry the message across more subtlely.

Note, this is my last post to this tread, signing off.
i should post my petty rants of '' i got ripped" here too ....maybe it can reach 100 pages of onions ......

ooops ... this is music forum....sorry:oops: carry on with the onions !!
to fgl and sqoobs,

ranking sports sells d'addario strings in bulk for $5 a set. my friend has gone there to check out to see if they have loose strings. :)

to mikemann,
my argument is not with you.
in fact, i have dealt with you before and i find you of impreccable service. i remember trying to make your job easier by finding a convenient time for you to meet and to lug my amp all the way to your factory, (twice i believe) with the appreciation that you were making time to service my amp promptly
There are other stores or pple i have dealt with. Kaichin at maestro is another fine example of great service. i have bought stuff from swee lee (prior to the price jumps 5 years ago and ironically when the complaints started happening) and have nothing but praise for living strings and guitar 77.
sadly the case is not the same for davis, which i have never patronised ever since the old uncle has gotten on my back too many times as a teenager and swee lee because of their high prices, except during sales and for strings.

so if you would like to label me as the evil comsumer who is breaking the backs of dealers to get every little cent out of the poor dealer then you are sorely misguided.
it is wrong to assume that every dealer is bad, but yet it is also wrong to ssume that every consumer are assholes to deal with. it is not a war we are fighting but a relationship to be built between consumer and dealer.

i know your attitude is always to give pity to the dealer, as i have noticed in your posts.
i understand too that business is hard to do.
but when i, as you say, "bash" or "whine" or "hang out my dirty laundry," it is for a reason: so that people can see that there are good sides and bad sides to things and judge for themselves.

yes, i agree it reflects on my personality, which is this - when i see a deal go bad and it goes on for too many times, i will speak out and say that it is wrong, instead of keeping quiet.
otherwise, we will all believe that macdonalds sells healthy food and that Nike only makes very little profit from its shoes. it is because of "bashing" or "whining" or "hanging out my dirty laundry" that consumers know of such issues. i prefer to call it speaking out when something bad is happening.

this is exactly what newspapers used to do before being dictated by marketing forces. (trust me, i know. i used to be in the papers, before i left because i hated how it was currying favour with advertisers in terms of positive news reports) but right now, forums are the only viable way of highlighting bad deals gone wrong.

Mikemann, you fight for the dealer (you being a dealer yourself) and consequently, i fight for the consumer (as i am a consumer myself) , not to get the last possible cent of value, but only to fight for a fair deal and decent service, with the understanding of the dealer in mind.

i do not like to cause strife in the forums, but i do stand up for what i believe in.
In this case, i will apologise for whatever distress i have caused you, but i will not apologise for highlighting my point of view.
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glblues, I do respect your point of view. Just that the harshness is very heavy. Thus my reaction.

As I work with many of the said dealers in this forum, I see many of what happens in the background, which is transparent to consumers. Not that I am defending anybody's character. That is a personal issue. Just whether it's constructive or not, is more my concern.

Anyway, I am at peace with what I say, and I am also at peace with your view. No worries.

Cheers, out.
Hey guys well i had a rather good experience recently at davis when i went to get some pickups. The staff were prompt, not pushy and very friendly, i would say. But i'm sure others have had bad experiences depending on which member of staff they interacted with or other circumstances.

The truth is however we've all had our fair share of pushy, ignorant, stuckup vendors be it in some guitar shop or any other shop for that matter.

I just feel that its a two-pronged approach. Both the customer and dealer should be more human. No its not a typo. i said HUMAN. The customer should remember that the dealer is running a business which is the basis of his income. And realise that he should not demand anything. At the same time the vendor should run his business ethically and not just focus on his profits.


I BELIEVE As the businessman your aim is to create a good experience for the customer so that he will come back. The businessman should not have the TYPICAL mentality that, just because you are the sole distributor, everyone should do as you dictate.( this is typical because in SG we almost always have SOLE distribution, so there is not much competition for most of the clowns!) As the customer do not think because you are paying, the vendor must give in to all your whims and fancies. Think about it, after all the customer brings you business. But dear customer without the dealer you'd be screwed.

So i think we should all learn to give and take. And be a lil more gracious to our fellow human beings.

Personally i'd remember great service over a great discount anytime, because anyone can lower prices...


yes i am indeed talking about favouritism. come on, admit it. if you were the sole distributor of lets say GIBBY or something in singapore (i repeat, IF). would you give a damn if you lose a customer who spends a hundred bucks a month? what if someone who is an avid collector constantly buys a new guitar from you? its just human nature. there isnt anything wrong about it, im just upset that singapore constantly boasts about the GOOD QUALITY service that is available in local shops and stuff. sure, we often see GOOD QUALITY service. but if you notice, such QUALITY service is only given to Caucasians (who even our own race think are superior than us and end up whining about how they are white supremists) and the rich.

no offence to the admin and the mods in this forum, but why are you so defensive of davis? i believe that not only softies, but people in general prefer to frequent shops that have QUALITY service though not of TOP QUALITY goods sold in there, instead of shops that have TOP QUALITY goods but crappy service. and i believe that it is only right that softies give their feedback and relate their experiences to others so that people are mentally prepared for the crap they have to go through when they go to shops like Davis. and at least they would know how they have to dress and act etc (ie dress up as if you are going for an important function and remember to flaunt your fat money filled waller).

besides, people here are not intentionally targeting davis in particular, but rather giving feedback. got bad service at swee lee or something? there is also feedback about them. so its really not something against davis but we are just against bad service attitudes.

and i believe that it is only right for a shopkeeper to give in to the whims of the customers cos at the end of the day, if the service is good, word will spread, and business will roll in. mike at standardvalue has given me a very good impression cos of his enthusiasm and the way he treats his customers with sincerity. even though i wasnt really going to buy much from him, he still treated me as he would to any other customers (ie with much respect and enthusiasm !KEYWORDS!)

anyone here who has patronised davis can relate to the following story:

you decide to buy a guitar, and you ask them if you can try the guitar POLITELY. the assistant gives you a dam black face blacker than my desktop wallpaper then takes the guitar down in a annoyed manner. after you have tried for less than 5 minutes, they decide "hey this guy has hogged the guitar for a long time" and without saying a word, takes the guitar from your hands, unplugs the guitar, and hangs it back WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. in this sense, i would say that unlike most people here, i think that NO SERVICE IS BETTER THAN BAD SERVICE.

oh and one more thing. like every other people, listen to the following advice: NO MATTER WHAT, IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO BE FORCED TO FINISH TRYING YOUR GUITAR, DONT PLAY POWER CHORDS. cos if you play power chords they are bound to think "another poor noob guy trying to play power chords."

only exception here is Janet though.

no offence though, glblues, cos i think that Davis really has to buck up on their service attitude if they want people to start having good impressions of them.

true, there are people who have had good experiences at davis. but just look at it this way. bad feedback far outweighs the amount of good feedback about davis. and nobody would believe this, but i have never had good experiences at davis at all, not counting when Janet served me.

and like most of you will counter, few will give feedback if service is good cos they think that it is expected. i would like to say, look at mike at standardvalue, his service is well known cos softies here recommend people to go to him, cos he has good service. so there really isnt room for argument on "no feedback when there is good service".
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