Andy Timmons Guitar Clinic again


New member
Anyone wants him to host another clinic at Swee Lee Katong perhaps say at 2pm this Sat? Please respond to this thread and I will let the ppl at Swee Lee be aware of that.
Missed the last one cause of busy-ness and other things on my mind.

Didnt miss the first one when I was a kid (younger!) and that was awesome~ Free and I didnt even know why would Olivia Newton John have a guitar player, let alone what was a Andy Timmons. Sigh being young and silly......

Yes have a clinic at Hong Lim! just go police station for permit, say its a musical protest to bland uninspired music, and break out the Laneys~ More people can go, it would bring some goodness to the place, and everyone can have icecream!

Still with Laney right?
He's with Mesa now :)

Anyways I had the oppotunity to hang out with Andy - really down to earth and airs at all. Awesome fella.
No need another clinic lah. We should rent coach for softies and show him around Singapore...lagi power! \m/
andy timmons AGAIN! CAN BE ARRANGED!


this has been posted out on Swee Lee Facebook, and all email database:

Dued to the terrorism attack at Jakarta, Andy's Indonesia Clinic is cancelled and extended his stay in Singapore. (2nd opportunity for those who missed ANDY TIMMONS, and autograph session for first 50 fans!)

BUTTT, in order for us achieving the artist's requirement:

- confirmation of at least 100paxs crowd,

please do not hesitate to call katong @ 6344 9916 for ticketing