there are many things wrong with the thread-starter's story
1) science does not claim that god doesnt exist. it just says that theres no qualitative and quantitative proof of it. theres a difference.
2) ironically, the "duality" the student speaks of is an inherent aspect of religion and NOT science. there is no good/bad or right/wong in science. only what we know and what we DONT know. we know that there is no evidence of god. therefore, up to this point, god's existence cannot be proven. does that mean he doesnt exist? at this point in time, yes he does not. science will say god exists when there is evidence of it. this is something religious people cannot grasp. anything that questions 'faith' is immediately 'bad'. so "duality" is something that is inherent in religion and the religious. heaven/hell, sinner/saint, infidel/believer, my god/your god, my denomination/your denomination...the "with us or against us" mentality is built into religion.
2) science is not about "opinion" as the student claims. in fact, its the opposite. its based on empirical data. opinions have nothing to do with it. only undeniable facts. in fact, science is the ultimate 'anti-opinion'.
also, the professor sounded like an idiot asking those ridiculous questions....just a foil created obviously so that the student can bounce his 'great speech' off of and prove a point about 'faith'
3) evolution is a theory. "theory" in science is very different from its everyday meaning (something religious people cannot grasp). scientific theories are based on evidence and testing using defined steps. once these tests satisfy the hypothesis, it becomes fact-based theory. otherwise, it becomes nothing. god was one of those hypothesis that became nothing. simple.
4) evolution has been widely observed and proven. again, religious people say "have you seen a monkey evolve into a man? no? so its not observed". of course you cant see that you dummies. not unless you're an immortal. evolution is at the cell level. bacteria, viruses, diseases, and a slew of other organisms have been proven and observed to evolve. thats why viruses can develop immunity to drugs and can transpose amongst species.
5) "god is infinite, He cannot be measured". so is the tooth fairy. in fact so is allah and vishnu and zeus and thor and Ra and the animal gods. yet your priest probably tells you that THEY dont exist doesnt he? not only do they not exist, believing in them will make you a infidel! oooooh
hmmm... i thought he cannot be explained? yet theres a book all about explaining him, explanations that you believe to be the WORD of god no less! hypocritical no? so god can be explained, you just dont like explanations that dont agree with you dats all
this "god cannot be explained" bullcrap is the line that all religious people use when confronted with hard facts. its the "ultimate weapon" they deploy when facing a losing debate. you can say anything you want but "god is infinite and he cannot be measured and its not our place to ask. so there!". well, then theres really nothing more to say is there?
but the weird thing is...
do you see non-religious people trying to convert religious people into non-believers? nope. its always the other way around.
do you see non-religious people demonising the religious as 'bad people', sinners, the ignorant? nope. its always the other way around.
do you see non-religious people starting wars and bombing people? aiyaa, u know this answer
non-religious people help you because they want to. religious people help because they feel they should, a duty. theres a difference again.
from my personal experience, atheists and agnostics are alot more considerate and selfless than the religious who are more concerned with scoring brownie points. non-religious people also seem alot less judgmental and patronising.