An enthusiatic vocalist


New member
hi i m rain here 22f,a newbie here yo.hmm actually joining a band as a vocalist
is my dream.I love singing alot but i never had any vocal training b4.Any band willing to accept me,train and and guide me to be a great vocalist?Will really appreciate it alot :p
Hey Rain,

U want to do R&B and pop songs? Me and my friend are not exactly in a "band" but we are music lovers. Started our intial "jamming" session at home a few weeks back.

We will be reviewing some of his past CD music recordings to re-record & re-arrange his original songs in band version again.

Guys & Gals out there, we are also interested to do original music from musicians in the local scene. Of course pls don't send us crappy songs and music if u want us to play haha... . We are interested in "complex" harmony arrangements & soulful music that touches people's hearts.

My advise: Rain,if u want to be a singer in a band, it would be good to train through some basic singing techniques & exercises. It would help yr voice to shine and project. Too bad I am not good enough to be a vocal "advisor" haha...just working on my basic. Interested in "auditioning", just drop me a msg.

Yr Dear Humble Basic Vocalist cum Piano Player

hi really thanks alot,but actually i wanna do r&b and pop song :p
Thanks for ur advice

Hi AJ,

Ya i always wanted to do R&B and pop songs.It must be fun jamming together.

Huh?Wat is the title of ur friend past cd yo?And under wat genes?Maybe i can go and check it out.

Thanks for ur advice.Agree with you tat going for some vocal training will really helps me to shine like a gem.Hee but think its quite ex right?Sob....
Huh?Auditioning in vocal?U mean competition?.... dun think i m ready yet cos i dun have any basic..... :(

:D Raingal
Hey there, do you have a demo of urself singing? So that it's easier for us to gauge what range you will be comfortable.

We are currently doing a Mark Ronson-esque project. We are covering local tunes, revamping them radically. Some of the forum peeps are helping us out as well on vocals, guitars, keyboards and bass. We are on the lookout for collaborators as well. :)
My friend past cd cant be found in shops. It was done as a CD from his NTU jam band.

Ya vocal training quite ex right. If u are willing, maybe I can share some tips with u in singing loh. Of course its FOC.

Huh?Auditioning in vocal?.... no lah not for competition, we just want to hear if u have a nice voice quality. Seems like u do hv tt quality, just lacking in vocal training.

If u are willing to give it a go to sing his song, we are willing to try u out. We are just looking for the most suitable singer for the song.

No worries, we dont want to scare anyone. Just make urself comfortable.

Why dont u add me on msn? From there, we can talk more.

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Tai hao le

I see.Ya.Really?So nice of you.So wats the tips of singing yo?Ya i wanna give

it a go and really thanks alot for giving me this opportunity to try out singing

ur friend song.Wat's ur msn add yo?I will add you then

:p Rain