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Just doing a quick survey. What amps do u use at home? Some people say get a small practice amp is good enough. Not really true cause I think the amp is more important or as impt as the guit itself.. hahah
depends on whether you are that anal abt the sound you hear when practicing...
for me, the sound I get while performing is more impt and I'll spend my money there.
I'm anal about my home sound because I only play at home now. :)

I use a THD Univalve head through a Marshall 1x12 with a bunch of pedals.
i'm using a PEAVEY Envoy 110... its not too bad...

30watts into 10" speaker... but hey, $400 for that... bad la... if given a choice again, i'd get a VOX Pathefinder 15R ($188) and maybe spend the rest of the $212 difference on pickups or efx pedals... argh...
Peavey XXL 2X12 combo for me, kinda bought it on impulse, but heck still enjoying it at home, although go jamming no pedals haha
my 5150 still kick ass too ... although anything past 3 in my room is deafening...

im happy at 2 :) one day hope to play my amp in a big area where i can play at 8 or 9... 8O
i use a johnson j-station for home practice and demo recording. why bother messing with shitty practice amps or amps at low volume? no way it sounds better than a modeller at home. that's the real reason why amp modellers are still in business..home practice.

but for jamming/live situations..nothing beats a good 4x12 rumbling away. triaxis/jackson jx3.. :twisted:
GuitarNoob said:
Peavey XXL 2X12 combo for me, kinda bought it on impulse, but heck still enjoying it at home, although go jamming no pedals haha

i'm an XXL player too, have a Marshall 2X12 as supplement, refer to pic:

A Cube 30...

Thinking of changing though, the low gain distortion juz sounds wierd although the Reticifier and Metal models are wonderful.
Mew said:
A Cube 30...

Thinking of changing though, the low gain distortion juz sounds wierd although the Reticifier and Metal models are wonderful.

the low-gain distortion patches of the CUBE30 are meant to be like that. contrary to popular beliefs, 'distortion' is synonymous to all-out, extreme, drive, but in reality, it's not.
kinda hard to have a performance amp as a home practice amp, since singapore is so small and most of us stay in apartments.

i use a trace elliot brat (15w, 1x8) for practice and mucking around at home... quite a fun amp.

i'm blessed enough to own a Fender Hotrod Deville for performance use, and i'm even more blessed to be able to use that amp for jamming.

Actually, for those who can't afford a multiple amp option, an interesting option IMHO is to get a 1X12 amp... with a hotplate/attenuator. the setup will be small enough for you to practice at home, but portable enough for you to take to shows... you can use it unmiked for club sets, and you can mike up for larger venues.
GuitarNoob said:
Peavey XXL 2X12 combo for me, kinda bought it on impulse, but heck still enjoying it at home, although go jamming no pedals haha

how much you bought the XXL 212 man?
thd univalve with the thd 2x12 cab. This amp is great, as it also has a line out which I run into a cab sim then into the sound card for late night recording etc