Amp recommendation


New member
Yo fellow softies, i have a budget of around 300 to 400 bucks for a amp. Any recommendation ? i have only tried fender bassman amps and hartke amps. I like both, so just wondering about my other options. Feel free to hit me up with all sorts of suggestions. thanks !

Same here.. i am look for a acoustic amp too... 20 - 30W with a micophone slot preferred.. any recommendation ?

I saw this smarvo acoustic amp 30W with a mic slot.. i wonder if anyone know if the brand is good?

Same here.. i am look for a acoustic amp too... 20 - 30W with a micophone slot preferred.. any recommendation ?

I saw this smarvo acoustic amp 30W with a mic slot.. i wonder if anyone know if the brand is good?
recommended: Ibanez SW35
hi musicana77,

i own the SW35 myself. excellent sound quality for it's price, comes along with a tweeter so the dynamic range is wide.

after using it for a while the only complain is that it doesn't handle low notes very well, (e.g. anything below your E string .. like your low B .. )

i'm mainly a 5-string player so hitting the lower registers on this amp is tough as it doesn't come out define as i would want it to .. but for the price i can't complain too much ...

retails at $240 at sweelee after discount ... that was before the 7% GST .. hurhurhur .. so i'm not sure if the price went up ... fyi
i own the SW35 myself. excellent sound quality for it's price, comes along with a tweeter so the dynamic range is wide.

after using it for a while the only complain is that it doesn't handle low notes very well, (e.g. anything below your E string .. like your low B .. )

the tweeter feature is definitely a plus for this amp. on the test day, i did plug in an Ibanez 6-string bass into this one which sounded very acceptable. maybe my threshold for low-notes mush is higher...?

the SW35 is a great bass amp- but had to give it up to my dad... *sigh*
hi sub,

it handles low notes okay ...

i think my expectations of it was quite high ..hahah .. i was like comparing it with Ampegs .. =P ... but overall i'd prefer a tighter lower end ... which this amp doesn't deliver compared to Ampegs .. then again .. it's Ibanez .. can't complain ...
hi, the ibanez sw-35 retails for about rm780 in C&M jb undiscounted price. price in singapore should be a little cheaper. malaysia taxes for amplifier. i tried in in the shop and was really impressed. it's definately on my christmas wishlist!