amp question : line6 or marshal

On the other hand, I can't stand the Marshall MG series (aside from the ministack). Sounds horrid.. .fuzzy tones and nothing tonally useful other than a mediocre clean... And they cost too much. Perhaps the Roland Microcube will serve a more tonally useful purpose, sans the 8 inch speaker lah. :)
ShredCow said:
On the other hand, I can't stand the Marshall MG series (aside from the ministack). Sounds horrid.. .fuzzy tones and nothing tonally useful other than a mediocre clean... And they cost too much. Perhaps the Roland Microcube will serve a more tonally useful purpose, sans the 8 inch speaker lah. :)

Hei shredcow.. have you try the Ministack?? Is it worth buying?? Is it better to buy the ministack than the 30 watt ones??

I had an Marshall AVT20, hybrid amp. Play a LP tru it, nice warm clean sound, distortion not that fantastic bt then if your using pedals thn the distortion channel not really that much of a concern. 10inch speaker too which helps. Brand new its kinda out of your budget, try to look for a 2nd hand one.
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moggie, Subversion did a review of it already... check it out. I played with it for a while and I thought it sounded great! much better than the MG15 or MG30 series.
ShredCow said:
moggie, Subversion did a review of it already... check it out. I played with it for a while and I thought it sounded great! much better than the MG15 or MG30 series.

Anyway.. Where's the review?? I wanna see.. :D
I have a voxad30vt. its actually quite versatile, has 11 amp models to choose from. Especially like their vox ac30 amp sim, when u put the gain to full, the tone is jus damn sweet, very suitable for blues rock and hard rock. But if u are into metal, there are also amp models for that purpose, like the UK Modern ( Marshall) and NuMetal (Messa), US High Gain. As for cleans, u have boutique clean, Black 2x12 (Fender Twin Reverb). Overdrive u have AC15, Tweed (bassman), and Boutique OD.

This amp also has some in built effects, compared to the cube30, u have more control for the effects. Especially like their compression, really thickens up the sound.

It also has a power attenuator, which controls the watt output, useful if u want to play at night and dowan to disturb others.
I would advice that if you have no idea what kind of tones you like, or what kind of tones are out there, get a modelling amp first. After a while you'll find that you like a certain tone. Then go try out that actual amp that your amp is trying to model. And be prepared to be blown away. The real amps usually sound so much better.

As for which modelling amp to get, I dunno. I never played one I liked. But I've heard quite a lot of good things about the Roland Cubes.

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