Alphonia has issues

hihi leslieloh.... nope darren did not leave because of this issue, its cos of other stuff =)

thank you very much for your support =)


I agree with the Aphonia members.

Singapore scene is too small for pple to be dissing each other. We should be working together harmoniously to make the Singapore scene grow.

To Aphonia:

Just continue on making good music and rocking the scene away! Whatever that the hacker wants, he definitely wants you guys to fail. So DON'T!!!!!!! I'm sure 'Tom' will have a solution for you. Maybe you could try changing your email address??

To Hacker:
This is very childish, so I seriously URGE you to stop... live and let live man...
Perfumeaddict.....instead of posting here and "clearing" your name, you guys should report this matter to the police immediately. The hacker has committed a criminal offence, for goodness sake. The hacker is probably local, so let the police track him down and charge him accordingly. After that, you guys may choose to sue the hacker for damages he caused to your reputation and related income (if any).

No larhz... I dont tinkz anyone (much less any band collectively) wants so many legal issues to deal with. It's really alot of paperwork, a lot of time and alot of energy placed into it over a possibly 'long' period of time.

It's pretty obvious that da accountz been hacked... so da reputation is stil safe... and I'm sure whoever's doing it is reading this too. So plz stop hacking their page before things turn nasty.

I tink perfumeaddict made a good point abt contacting MySpace abt it. Once the password problem / email problem is ok oready... thenz i think see how it goes... and if there's no more problemz... then as snuffleupagus said... live and let live lorhz...

May da band continue to make good music and not be dizcouraged by diz... im sure u guyz can do it and wouldz rather spend your time makin god music so we can enjoy harharharz...
Dudes, give the band some space man.
i believe they're tied up with this problem for quite awhile.
Let's drop the topic =)
Hey ppl

just wanna say a big THANK YOU for your support... you have no idea how much it means to us...

Titus is in the midst of appealing to myspace to let us change our email... so i guess things are at a temporal standstill right now.

Zax: we have no freaking idea who is so bo liao as to do stuff like this man. we've racked our brains and simply cannot think of anyone that we've offended enough to want to defame us.... =X

Honestly I don't really care if that idiot apologizes or not, it won't make much of a difference... all I want is to settle this with minimum hassle and for him/her to just f off and start searching for a more meaningful purpose in life. haa.

anyway it would be good, like leslie said, to drop the topic for a while until there's news... its been a real pleasure talking to you guys and receiving all this support though...

pls don't hesitate to let us know if you guys receive any rude comments or ridiculous blog posts that get deleted after two days...

just don't send it to our email. HAHA.

thanks again people!

Sincerely yours,

Aphonia - Style.Class.Rock.
well that person must really know you guys well to have your email and myspace passwords and is updated with the information on soft. go figure who it is , shouldnt be that hard and aphonia has my support
It'll be interesting to see the reaction of various people if another bad message appears from "Aphonia" again.

I wonder if the dissing will all begin again... pretty bad form.

Just saying really.
drop topic

Yeaz.. I agree with leslieloh and colin from Aphonia... juz drop the topic and let the band have some breathing spaze... it's tiresome enough... everyone... plz juz forget the matter and let it die downz...

juz my 2cents worth.