all about powerjam 2007!

i remember at one point while on stage during the semis I turned to look at the sound guy while playing ...NO ONE was at the sound consul

Any other band expirienced this?
lol..i dun think other band experience this type of thingy...
if really the sound guy wasnt there...the power 98 dj will comment it thru the mic...
i think ur sight got problem...
and u were saying u cant hear ur vocals on the monitor...its due to ur guitar
is way too u cant hear ur vocal on the stage...
but outside everything is balanced :D
AlIeNsWaT ..hmmm u must be the soundman then... :P

All I know we couldnt really hear ourselves vocally too clearly. My guitar wasnt too loud - in fact my bassist & saxaphonist coulnt even hear my guitar. I basically did a plug and play from the previous band's amps settings.

House sound sounded good. How do we know how it sounded outside? A professional videographer friend of ours filmed us and we have been reviewing the performance for last two nights. I had issues with the stage sound.

Re: soundman not there ... some my guys also didnt see him for a while, cant be all our eyes got problem rite? Unless you happned to be below the consul adjusting your poweramps? I believe the soundboard area was same as during the auditions?

Anyway, without a proper soundcheck, things like this bound to happen - I kena many times before so no one's fault really... Both the band & sound crew struggling with each others sound. Im REALLY glad all finalist will be having a proper soundcheck for the finals and we will be looking forward to working closly with the sound crew so that everyone's happy.

Get some sound checks powerjamers, get some!
the sound board area wasnt the same as the last few audition....
this time round its infront

and btw they were 2 sound engineer doing the sound at the audition that day...and 1 more crew which help u in the stage b4 u perform...
AND also You should check ur monitor level for ur vox and tell him...
BTW he is the boss

And before i had ummute ur guitar...ur guitar level is like blasting the whole timbre already...

last thing...we did the normal sound check for the 1st band...for everything..
the monitor volume for the vox is the same for all the band who played...
they could hear themselves...i didnt bring down the level for the vox..
it is loud enuff....

if next time u do have any request for the sound...
do approach us..

--A professional videographer friend of ours filmed us and we have been reviewing the performance for last two nights. I had issues with the stage sound.

just a comment.
you cant judge by asking a professional videographer.
can i ask you.
where is he or she standing?
in front of the speaker? in front of the stage?
we tested already,you will have to stand on the middle at the back to hear if the sound is good.
you cant judge it by sitting down in front..but i can tell you that the back ppl enjoy the sound that night.

---Re: soundman not there ... some my guys also didnt see him for a while, cant be all our eyes got problem rite? Unless you happned to be below the consul adjusting your poweramps? I believe the soundboard area was same as during the auditions?

the soundboard wasnt at the same place where they put..
the board used was at the back..far back the bar counter there.
there's 3guys there..1 guy for stage hand.2 guy doing sound mixing..
you cant possibliy miss them?

---Anyway, without a proper soundcheck, things like this bound to happen - I kena many times before so no one's fault really... Both the band & sound crew struggling with each others sound.

for semi-finals if im wrong,there's no sound check.maybe for finals yes lah..
but just to say say ah..
if you are okay,your band know their stuffs..know how to stage balance..
there will be no problem for the house to sound i right?
the sound crew didnt struggle for each other sound..
they will mixing well and make it sound better for the house.
they are making you sound prefect man..
i hope there's no offends..

looking forward to see you guys at the finals to support the rest of the bands..
the sound board area wasnt the same as the last few audition....
this time round its infront
fgl: ohhhhh...ok PIASEH PAISEH...sorry we all looking to our right hunting high & low for the stage sound guys, saw no one...all gabra...

and btw they were 2 sound engineer doing the sound at the audition that day...and 1 more crew which help u in the stage b4 u perform...
AND also You should check ur monitor level for ur vox and tell him...
BTW he is the boss
fgl: Yes we did check mike levels seems ok before playing but when kicked in we couldnt hear
And before i had ummute ur guitar...ur guitar level is like blasting the whole timbre already...

last thing...we did the normal sound check for the 1st band...for everything..
the monitor volume for the vox is the same for all the band who played...
they could hear themselves...i didnt bring down the level for the vox..
it is loud enuff....

if next time u do have any request for the sound...
do approach us..

fgl: Thanks, hahah we will LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD and not to our right this time... :lol:


just a comment.
you cant judge by asking a professional videographer. fgl: He films for government projectscan i ask you.
where is he or she standing? fgl: mid to front of the stage
in front of the speaker? in front of the stage?
we tested already,you will have to stand on the middle at the back to hear if the sound is good.
you cant judge it by sitting down in front..but i can tell you that the back ppl enjoy the sound that night.
fgl: Yes, I said the house sound was good in my post, only had problems with the stage sound but as pointed out above you guys did sound check with 1st band ....

---Re: soundman not there ... some my guys also didnt see him for a while, cant be all our eyes got problem rite? Unless you happned to be below the consul adjusting your poweramps? I believe the soundboard area was same as during the auditions? fgl: paiseh - answered above

the soundboard wasnt at the same place where they put..
the board used was at the back..far back the bar counter there.
there's 3guys there..1 guy for stage hand.2 guy doing sound mixing..
you cant possibliy miss them? fgl: dat far back...maybe we getting really old and really do need glasses :lol:

---Anyway, without a proper soundcheck, things like this bound to happen - I kena many times before so no one's fault really... Both the band & sound crew struggling with each others sound.

for semi-finals if im wrong,there's no sound check.maybe for finals yes lah..
but just to say say ah..
if you are okay,your band know their stuffs..know how to stage balance..
there will be no problem for the house to sound i right?
fgl: 3 minutes to set up bro how to chun-chun balance? + I plug & play using previous guitarists setting.

the sound crew didnt struggle for each other sound..
they will mixing well and make it sound better for the house.
they are making you sound prefect man..
i hope there's no offends..

fgl: bros - no offence intended to u guys or felt by us... I was just pointing out the fact that we couldnt hear ourselves properly on stage and when we looked to ur right hand side for sound guy and saw no one there ... and also we wanted to know if other bands expirienced the same problems. If you claim we were too loud stage wise ...well I'll take your point of view but rest assured our full co-operation for stage balance for finals when we sound check...we know you guys are trying your best to give us good sound and appreciate your efforts.....if we (all the bands that is) sound look good..hahaa...

no offence bro...
if next time if u do need something...just approach us...

btw ur band rox!!

good luck for ur finals
yo...just saw the guys from Allura, Now Open etc at powerjam station when we were doing the accoustic recording...

so how did yer sessions go guys?

By the way ...inch looks really petite in person off stage...
Hey.. wasnt Mario such a helpful & patient guy in the studio? The dude's really cool man... we made many mistakes and had to do like 5-6 the last 2 takes my throat all dried out ... sounded one kind

hahaha told Mario to add LOTS OF REVERB to RG's recording .... lolz we need it
yeahhh mario was really nice,
he was so very friendly and patient!
he had a very warm beckoning voice that was very
consoling at easing the tension. he was so funny too.

well, its our first time there at power98 and i have to say the security is immensely tight. haha seriously strict regulations.
hey there guys ... i am the drummer from IVY'S VENDETTA it was very nice too see some of the finalist at the radio station just now and yes MARIO is a great guy.... for those that dont know our style of music go to our myspace acc for some samples ... pls do give us some feedback on our style of music....

"Baby please believe me oh please believe me....when I say..."

That pinkbox is Inch!

Will be supporting you guys for Powerjam 07 Allura!!

Rock on!
hey , nice meeting u guys yesterday , allura , now open ,ivy's vendetta and retro groove at power 98 studios. the recording was great , and the people doing our recording are great. Harry and mario was there , nice people to help us with the recording. But i got to say that CMPB is not easy to get in guys, cant even bring my phone in , super tight security. But it went well so cant wait to hear Ridge song and other finalists songs on Power 98 ,hahahah power .

PS: guys add ridge to your myspace , multiply , msn or friendster ( this is for adding on friendster & msn)

Keep it real !!!!! chao

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