sunsetstone.... yep I call it like I hear it...and thanx for the kudos too, although - paiseh - Im not a great muso lah beb...
Yeah a powerjam finalists joint gig is a good idea...too bad the 11 Aug espllanade gig is only for pwrjam winners coz it would have been great if the all 5 finalists could do that gig altogether - g'rteed awesome! I have done esplanade many times with diffirent bands and the soundcrew, lighting, ambience and especially the crowd there is always really happening - truly a great venue.
Arranging a gig at my current fav club Terrys in Katong shouldn't be a problem if all bands wanna do it.... U guys just let me know, I'll try to arrange. BTW a fun time was had by all jammers last night with the exception of when some semi drunk mat rock dude cooled walked on stage to jam "Hey Jude" with us and the rest of the jammers. Thing is we were playing it in 4/4 and he sounded like he sang it in 5/4 ...ohhh yeah.... macams siak aje... power of the booze.
other option - fluid bar?.. hmmmmmm :?