All A level 08 students


New member
Hi guys,

I see a similar thread for O level students, so I'm wondering if any of you guys are taking A levels ( which are like now ! )

I take:


Any of you guys took the History 9731/02 today? Dam hard!
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hey people!!!

i wanna give a shout out to those taking A's and as well as the O's here!!!

all the best yeah.

and shout out to josephine, all the best for ur O levels and to Louiza, ur the smartest A student i've ever known. Sorry for everything and all the best for ur a levels!!

anyways back to this thread, how come the history paper was hard???
RYLCHE, HAHA I TAKE EXACT SAME COMBI AS YOU. H1 is math. What school you in man? I'm in MJC. Hahahaha yeah history was weird man, AFC for Source-based was unexpected... Then all the questions were kinda twisted..

Our combi power. First paper today before everyone, Lit p4 - 24 November, after everyone... He he do you take paper 4?
Haha mingrong I take h1 lit. SO I END ON 13TH!!! AFC was dam weird man.. I only had the 1998 ASEAN Surveillance Process for AFC. And maybe AFTA.

How's MJ IH ?
any one taking music as A level subject here?

i'm taking it next yr but just wanna see the views about it.

and oh,

good luck for all those taking A levels!!!!!!!!!
( and to all j1s, good luck for your PW)
Hydrofly: I'm from MJC also. Ya la basket math paper damn bugger... and still 250plus people got above C. You should try our chem paper, it'll give you the time of your life ^^

Meekahsoh: Same fate as you for Monday... My teachers say for geog focus on Mass Movement and Weathering, forget about volcanoes and earthquakes (last year come out mother load)
lol...argh AFC!!! i was rather confident that it won't come up for essays so i went huh and stunned when afc came up in the case study part instead. hehe maybe the qn is sth like an 11th anniversary thing to 'commemorate' afc cos it did for last yr essay...hmm my friends and i had quite a time debating over the support and challenge sources though...
hahah oh lucky you then... I'm the only one with a 11 day break between my second last paper and my first.. I wrote about AFTA but that's all I knew for economy cos I didn't study interstate tensions for the exam.

Eh our h2 cohort is quite small, I'm not sure about the h1 students, but for h2 we're quite comfy with the IH syllabus - I guess we just gotta write fast enough. I planned like 8 paragraphs for the question on governments today but only managed to rush through 3...