Aging Youth Records


New member
We've just officially launched our record label site at

We'll be selling B-Quartet's debut EP The Smitten Bard over this weekend
at 'Get Off That Thang!' for SGD10.00. So bring some cash and indulge in
some retail therapy! More information about the band will be added to the
site as we build up to their album launch in the month of August.
It's our own lil indie label... called Aging Youth Records.

AYR CD-001 is B-Quartet's The Smitten Bard which will be available at our merch table at Get Off That Thang from today and tommorrow. B-Quartet will be playing on Sunday at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre as a soft launch for the EP. More details about the official launch will be released next week.
Hey i bet CDs sold like hot cakes. me and my friend bought 5 altogether. but the other 3 was from friends who asked to buy for them hehe. Great cd, worth the money :D
Thanks for those guys who came down for B-Quartet's show on Sun. We sold 110 copies of their EP The Smitten Bard. B-Quartet and Aging Youth Records will like to thank friends and fans of the band for hanging around for the autographs and photo-taking sessions. Thanks! :D

We'll be updating the site with more stuff soon. Lyrics, some new pics and hopefully, some live footage. We'll see how it goes

We'll be releasing details for their album launch soon. Watch out for that. And make a date for that cuz that might be their last show for the year. :cry:
sofyan said:
Hey i bet CDs sold like hot cakes. me and my friend bought 5 altogether. but the other 3 was from friends who asked to buy for them hehe. Great cd, worth the money :D

Hi Sofyan,

Thanks for the support! We appreciate it! Too bad we din get to meet up. Some other time then. :D
The one in the Radiohead tee... The one in the maroon tee (MrMisse tee) is the webmaster of our site. Unfortunately, we couldn't con ppl to emcee for us so we had to do it ourselves...
AgingYouth said:
The one in the Radiohead tee... The one in the maroon tee (MrMisse tee) is the webmaster of our site. Unfortunately, we couldn't con ppl to emcee for us so we had to do it ourselves...
I dont remember people's clothing. were u the one who wanted to do a backflip or the one who asked b-quartet to play another song?
alamak! you all dont know who is willy!!!

oi, AgingYouth, quick post your mug shot in the Gallery. I like the one with big hair and ...
Er... no need lah.

But since you insist, here's a pic of me... Best one ever taken.

btw, did anyone saw me at esplanade yesterday? i was sitting on the 3rd row from the front.. wearing a red liverpool beanie.. hugging a guitar while watching the gig. superb la b-quartet! =D

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