Knightingale at Esplanade's "Rocking The Region" and "God Damn Youth" Album Launch


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Knightingale at Esplanade's "Rocking The Region" and "God Damn Youth" Album Launch

Hi All! We at Knightingale would like to cordially invite you to our performance at Esplanade's "Rocking the Region" where notable bands from South East Asia rock it out at the Esplanade for about 3 weekends of great music.

The date, 18th of March is also a very important day for us as we will be releasing our debut album titled "God Damn Youth" a high intense garage rock album that we've been self producing and tinkering for the past few months. We've got alot more goodies and news to share with you guys as we near the album launch. Alternatively you can check out the latest news at

We will also be selling Physical Copies of our Old EP as well as Newly designed T Shirts at the Outdoor Theater's Merch Booth! :)

Cheers and Thank you!:)

Link to the event can be found here:
Re: Knightingale at Esplanade's "Rocking The Region" and "God Damn Youth" Album Launc

Thanks dude!!!! Who ever you are!!! Appreciate your post!