Knightingale's debut album is a collection of songs inspired by everyday struggles of young individuals trying to fit into society. It also focuses on calling the youth to understand and reflect on how they can bring change to a scene, community or a collective by implementing a change within themselves.
Many a times we always wonder if we ever have time to commit to our passions that society sometimes perceives it as a hobby or more adversely a "waste of time" but passion and drive for our art is what makes it all worth it. For the 3 of us at Knightingale softif we followed trends and played what most people wanted to hear we would rather quit music altogether and jolly well stick to our 9 - 5 jobs.
Here's the link to the album (downloadble for free)
Here are some social media linkssoft
Website: www.knightingalerock.com
Facebook: www.facebook,com/knightingaesg
instagram: www.instagram.com/knightingalerock
Twitter: www.twitter.com/knightingalesg
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