Band and Music Recording Studio. The End Of Recordings.

Looking for a place to Record a song or a single or an album as a solo/band/group?

Want to do a good quality demo for your band or group's portfolio for giving to show/event organisers like Baybeats?

Here at The End Of Recordings, we do Track by Track and also Live band recordings.

We can mix the tracks for u too Or we can just pass u the tracks if u want to do your own mixing.

Jamming is at $26/hour

Recording rates are fixed at $40/hr * for all Track by Track and live Recording

Mixing is at $35/song *Simple mix/balancing. For advanced mixing, pls contact us for info/charges

Visit our FB page for more info :

Here are our Youtube pages, where all our works are uploaded:

Contact : 906*** Fred (Watsapp)

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