acive and passive electronics??

EMGs are actually cleaner and louder, but alot of musicians complain they lack character. But then again it boils down to personal preference. For example, a shredding guitarist may prefer EMGS due to less feedback at high gain and loud settings. A funk guitarist on the other hand may not like the "crystal-clear" twinkling of EMGS on clean settings cos many think Fender "vintage" single coils still produce the "twang".

Personal preference, really. My advice is try both out and see what you like. 8)
guitar electronics = pickups.

pickups = active/passive, ignoring pickup types

active pickup manufacturers = emg, duncan, bartolini, and another handful.

active pickup discussion = EMGs cos its the most widely available and most variety includling their onboard boosters and tone controls.

hmmm.... tio bor? :lol:
I found this post weird in the midst of discussing what is active and what is passive.

Ized said:
aye all of u forgot one thing....most common active pickups are EMGS....stuff foundin mostly ESPs and JAcksons.....

Davis sells them. 8)

Imagine this:

person 1: "Hey what is the difference between beer and wine?"

person 2: "One got bubbles one don't have"

person 3: "Hey you all forgot to mention!! TIGER IS THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD!!!!1111"

As much as i wanna agree with you all bruddersss here...

I don't see much of a problem with that post... unless if you know something that i don't...

throw me a fricken bone... DETAILS TO MY PM!!!
Yo Ed ...fetch
gsonique said:
To me the whole active pu thingy was a sales gimmick during the pu cold war era .... 8O

hmmm... i don't think so lah.

remember it was something like this.
less coils = lower noise
less coils = lower output
lower output = to compensate by adding a preamp

all in all, lower noise, decently high output.

and the current consumption for EMGs are AMAZING.