I'm definitely one of those who do not balance out the time spent on music and academics. As far as academics is concerned, results have been less than desirable. In a way, it inhibits the amount of time one can fully focus on music, especially if you feel so believe so much in music. Then again, it's what you choose to study in tertiary education and so forth that really affects the way things turn out. In my case, i took the wrong course, i'm stuck with it all the way, pretty unhappy but there's nothing i can really do about it other than suck it up and try to put things back on track.
"He who fails to plan, plans to fail", thinking about this recalls to mind what Rusty Cooley said(not exact words, but it implies the same thing); "If you have a backup plan, you're planning to fail, so don't have one, just go all out for what you set out to do" Unfortunately this is Singapore, we can't ditch studies and just focus on music... Well these are just my thoughts...