New member
Was just wondering this guys. This idea struck me last night while I was sleeping.
As we all know, Singapore's music scene is quite large as we know it. Most of us are clustered here, pretty much familiar with each other, getting each other's jokes and all this.
However, we have to consider - what about those bands that are not in SOFT or those who want to step into the music scene? Or perhaps those who are new to SOFT? Due to the amount of data here, it is hard to be able to decipher everything, and a particular person/SOFTie may only want specific information
My proposal is that those of us that are more well versed in computers should explore the option of creating a Wiki that caters to the entire music scene, allowing new people to easily enter the scene or allow anyone find out information about the scene itself.
Also, this will allow us to be able to update anything about the scene regulary from time to time. If you get what I mean, look at the difference between some of the popular bands in America and those like Lunarin and Electrico on Wikipedia. You'll see the vast difference
My last point is that this will promote the local scene and allow us to gain more recognition
Well? I welcome all suggestions or CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms on why this will or will not work. Hopefully this will become a reality in the future
P.S: Any rubbish criticisms will not be tolerated, so don't try it! ;3
As we all know, Singapore's music scene is quite large as we know it. Most of us are clustered here, pretty much familiar with each other, getting each other's jokes and all this.
However, we have to consider - what about those bands that are not in SOFT or those who want to step into the music scene? Or perhaps those who are new to SOFT? Due to the amount of data here, it is hard to be able to decipher everything, and a particular person/SOFTie may only want specific information
My proposal is that those of us that are more well versed in computers should explore the option of creating a Wiki that caters to the entire music scene, allowing new people to easily enter the scene or allow anyone find out information about the scene itself.
Also, this will allow us to be able to update anything about the scene regulary from time to time. If you get what I mean, look at the difference between some of the popular bands in America and those like Lunarin and Electrico on Wikipedia. You'll see the vast difference
My last point is that this will promote the local scene and allow us to gain more recognition
Well? I welcome all suggestions or CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms on why this will or will not work. Hopefully this will become a reality in the future
P.S: Any rubbish criticisms will not be tolerated, so don't try it! ;3
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