A Wiki for SG Music Scene?


New member
Was just wondering this guys. This idea struck me last night while I was sleeping.

As we all know, Singapore's music scene is quite large as we know it. Most of us are clustered here, pretty much familiar with each other, getting each other's jokes and all this.
However, we have to consider - what about those bands that are not in SOFT or those who want to step into the music scene? Or perhaps those who are new to SOFT? Due to the amount of data here, it is hard to be able to decipher everything, and a particular person/SOFTie may only want specific information

My proposal is that those of us that are more well versed in computers should explore the option of creating a Wiki that caters to the entire music scene, allowing new people to easily enter the scene or allow anyone find out information about the scene itself.
Also, this will allow us to be able to update anything about the scene regulary from time to time. If you get what I mean, look at the difference between some of the popular bands in America and those like Lunarin and Electrico on Wikipedia. You'll see the vast difference

My last point is that this will promote the local scene and allow us to gain more recognition

Well? I welcome all suggestions or CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms on why this will or will not work. Hopefully this will become a reality in the future


P.S: Any rubbish criticisms will not be tolerated, so don't try it! ;3
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Hey. Thanks for the encouragement guys, but any suggestions how we should go about doing it? Daryl has offered to supply the info (i'm expecting everyone to input their own info!) we need, but how should we go about doing it now?
Mr James took the initiative sometime ago, but a logging issue couldn't be solved.


The page he linked will sign you out and I surmise it's an HTML-PHP issue: http://www.soft.com.sg/wiki/

My suggestion http://wiki.soft.com.sg/ will work, but Mr James has to keep a separate database for that as everyone has to sign up for an account. Furthermore, he has to lock down the edits to users only or else the point is moot.

A "wiki" involves an engine (eg. MediaWiki), web scripting (eg. PHP) which is the language the engine is based upon, and a database (eg. MySQL). Together, they form the "wiki software" which is a server application running on a server (eg. Apache). Engines like MediaWiki normally come prebundled with a few things and all the user has to do is deploy it on a server machine. Mr James has already done all that, but I think it's due to the lack of interest that he didn't follow up on the error mentioned earlier on.

As for editing Wiki pages, it's a no-brainer. Modern engines like MediaWiki provide you with a WYSIWYG editor (like e-mail) so you don't need to learn the "markup language" (which is a no-brainer also).

Coming from the Open-source Software community, I deal with them all the time so I don't mind helping if help is needed.
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Perhaps we should take over the Wiki project from James? Then he can focus more on his life (well, he IS an adult and may not have as much free time as the younger ones) and just sit back to let us run the Wiki instead. Allow it to be done something like how Wikipedia is done now, where everyone can edit it and write their stuff. However, registering optional unless you want unlimited allowance to edit the pages.

Gutturalpiss, wanna help?
The last time I set it up, we had very few people adding info to it. Hmm... don't know if it was because of the log in or just lack of interest.

Anyways, it is still at http://wiki.soft.com.sg/
Okay... Let's start adding our info on it then. Think we can put all sorts of info on it, not just bands. Perhaps on the various places to go buy gear, places to jam, various gear that we love to use... Hmm... anything else we can add?

I'm starting to edit the main page, but I know nuts about Wiki language (still trying to figure it out how to do all the fancy stuff) so I really need everyone's help here!! Thanks!
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i support, but thats all i can do! cos i aint very proficient when it comes down to PHP and stuffs, despite being an IT graduate. -_-"

so all i can do is upz for this post, to increase awareness! :D
Wrong. You can help supply the info to those who are more proficient in computer language! :D

IT Grad? o.O don't mind me but i thought you would have learnt this type of programming. darn. thought we could ask whether you could do the programming
^ yes i learnt, but i scrapped thru and managed to graduate. and im not even workin in IT line now... lols. so, ya. it kinda fades away slowly.. but yeah i'll help anyway i can! :D
brudders and sisters, no need to know computer programming. i mention PHP and MySQL is for admin to worry about. you know how to post here, can help liao. just go and type the title of your new page in the search box, and it will not find anything, hence "You can create this page". Click on that.

To edit an article, there's a tab for it. Click on it and type in the big box that appears, then preview it. If you're happy, include a summary and save it.

Mr James, when you have the time could you look into the WYSIWYG panel problem? Furthermore, it appears some icons are missing. For an external link, there should be a little arrow beside it but now it's just white space. You may also want to have the SOFT logo on the top-left corner.
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hmm... I'm just wondering whether we should associate the Wiki with SOFT. I got a few emails from those who are not in the SOFT camp and they said that not all music acts are not associated with SOFT, thus we should put the Wiki as an independant Wiki that isn't too closely associated. This would cater to the whole music scene in general and will not alienate anyone

One thing I also tend to notice is that SOFT tends to cater more for rockers like us. The music scene is not just specifically for rockers. There are also independant singers, those who are not in rock bands, etc. Examples will include Stefanie Sun, Hardy Mirza, Tay Kewel, etc. I do not think they are with SOFT, and as stated, SOFT tends to... yea. You get the idea.

Just some things I've been wondering
theliverevolution, when SOFT started, it was about computer music and recording stuff because that is what I know best.

There is no limit as to what SOFT can/should cover. Currently, I am working on a Peranakan Musical. Ha..ha.
Well, in that case you need to start from scratch. Get a host, some server space, a domain, and you're all set.

But I don't see why you would want to do that. This is a community, not a business entity (correct me if I'm wrong). Affiliating an individual or a group to this community is a favour done by this community, you can always stop affiliating those that do not want to be affiliated/favoured. Wait, none of us are technically "affiliated" to this virtual gathering place, as it is a choice and not an obligation.

Just because a composer doesn't have time to post on SOFT doesn't mean he can't be part of the community. If somebody's not "with" SOFT you can always provide basic information and direct people to the appropriate places where they can find out more. The more you think in terms of "with" or "without" insertrandomforumname, the more you think about a "different community", the more the real community suffers from fragmentation.

One can not have access to the internet and still be part of the music scene/industry, no?
fair enough man. Peranakan musical o.O interesting

we need more ppl to put up new pages man. i'm still doing research on Electrico and it SHOULD be done by now..