A Wiki for SG Music Scene?

WYSIWYG editor

I got the WYSIWYG editor images working. Let me know if there's any more problem.
Scan the forum for useful information, even the stickies, and add them to the wiki.

* Bands
* Jamming studios
* Recording/(post-)production studios
* About SOFT
* Events/Meetups
* Gigs/Competitions/Concerts
* Music production

Thanks Mr James. See if you can get ahold of why the external-link icon is not appearing, and enabling external image linking would help IMO but sometimes it can lead to unwanted trouble (eg. copyright issues) if users are not careful. If it's disabled, everyone has to upload each and every image to the database.

I keep getting alot of spam on the Wiki, anyone know how we can prevent these? Check the history of the 'main page' and you will know what i mean.
ya, need help from everyone to add stuff to it.

Everyday, I am removing spam on it. Haiz...
I can't think of anymore data to add cause I hadn't be around for long. Can the longer-lasting veterans provide me information that they would want to see in the WIki so I can add it in?