A tone to die for, at least for me =D

to my ears, the sound of that actually sound more of a tight sounding fuzz with a driven amp plus manipulation of his volume knob(from crunchy sounding clean on verge of breaking up to full on solo mode)

of course, i might be wrong since i dont listen to him. My guess is based on the the tonal quality of the geetar that i hear in that clip.
yeah.i love his tone on the where the light is gig too.
he prob uses tubescreamers, or some kind of tubescreamer but like PatheinRaindropMoe says its prob his guitar. his pickups are mid scooped which makes his strat not really sound like a strat.
hope this helps.:)
Well..John Mayer prefers to use a super super clean amp and changes his preamp using pedals. His pickups are mid scooped but his amp is kinda mid heavy.
I was in love with that tone too.. I think its a Bluesbreaker pedal (BB-1) into a Two Rock ODS I think.. For the album version I think..