I'm In man.. Hope the sales are good.. i spend like 10 bucks smsin most of the ppl in my phonebook.. haha.. And you made a very good point about the local act... I hope for once the majority of the audience can change their mentality about the local scene.. And bands gotta stop competing and start helping each other as well, i'm not saying every band is like that, just saying there are a number.. and when i say compete i dnt mean competing in a organise competition like battle of the bands.. I'm toking about support, if your band is not on the compilation doesnt mean you dont support it.. ITS NOT ABOUT WHO MAKES IT FIRST, ITS ABOUT HOW MANY MAKES IT.. with the support of everyone i'm sure bands can really challenge the Global scene.. Cheers to Levan for pushing lime magazine.. Its a start.. a very good start.. Keep On Rockin man...
FLawed Element